Introductory Note
Luísa Maria Flora, Michaela Schwarz S.G. Henriques and Randall Stevenson
Against Oblivion. Remenbrance, Memory and Myth in Julian Barnes’s “Evermore” (1995)
Luísa Maria Flora
What the Soldier Said: Silence, (Bad) Language and the Great War
Randall Stevenson
Bliss and Britten: Building Up Wilfred Owen as Myth
Gilles Couderc
Challenging the Myths of the Great War: John McCrae’s “In Flanders Fields” Revisited
Teresa Gibert
Seeking Freedom and Finding War: A Case Study of Two Pacifists, Vera Brittain and Dora Russell
Michaela Schwarz S.G. Henriques
From Court-Martial to Carnival: Film’s Recreation of the Great War Fifty Years On
Anthony Barker
David Leighton on Roland Leighton as Man and Poet: An Interview
Paula Campos Fernández