In this workshop, which has two parts, I will first be discussing with you the role of using narrative techniques in helping you care for yourself as a medical practitioner (whether student or fully trained). We will use together some reflective journaling techniques that help identify issues, clarify them and guide doctors towards solutions.
In the second part of this workshop I will be asking you to think about metaphors that define your identity, as either a medical student or a doctor. We will talk about why and how the choice of these metaphors is very influential on our behaviour and attitude. We will also discuss metaphors that are used to describe patients, and metaphors used by patients to describe themselves, and the importance of these. Food for thought (a metaphor!) as the English (and New Zealanders) say, and possibly a topic for you to journal yourself in the future?
23 September | 6pm | Room of the English Department, School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon
Free admitance (limited to 20 people)
Registration is mandatory and should be e-mailed to: