Medical Humanities Project Open Lecture with Sidia Fiorata, University of Verona


Medical Humanities Project Open Lecture: “Along the Yellow Brick Road: Narrating illness and disability experiences in Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz” with Sidia Fiorata, University of Verona The Medical Humanities Project Lecture “Along the Yellow Brick Road: Narrating illness and disability experiences in Frank Baum’s The Wizard of Oz " with Sidia Fiorata of […]

ROAM Outreach 3


Money & Debts on The Merchant of Venice

Money & Debts on The Merchant of Venice 18 April 14h – 15h30 Room C250 Host: Professor Miguel Ramalhete GomesSpeaker: Professor Priscila Matsunaga (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)School of  Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon  In Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, tragedy is disguised as comedy: money, debts and business are constant elements. The play provokes […]

Receiving the Shock, Giving Form in Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector

Receiving the Shock, Giving Form in Virginia Woolf and Clarice Lispector 19 de April 15h30 - 17h  Room B112.D  Speaker: Professor Flavia Trocoli (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)  Lily Briscoe, the painter in Virginia Woolf's To the Lighthouse , finishes her painting in the absence of Mrs. Ramsay who, previously, had been the model for her vision […]

Curso livre. Estudos em envelhecimento cultural

Curso livre. Estudos em envelhecimento cultural The objective of the course is to introduce the participants to the field of cultural ageing. We will address the following themes: ageing and gender, ageing and invisibility, ageism, self-awareness, the body, memory, identity and re-storying. The bibliography will include fictional, non-fictional and theoretical texts in English. The sessions […]

ESC#60 – Videographic Montage: The video essay as a discursive tool

Research Group

ESC#60 – Videographic Montage: The video essay as a discursive tool Videos are an essential tool in academic work, offering a powerful way to communicate research papers, ideas, and arguments. Video abstracts and video essays visually demonstrate research findings and allow for the use of creative tools to convey complex ideas and emotions in an […]

Medical Humanities Project Open Lecture: “Compaixão como um valor intrínseco ao cuidar”” presented by Maria João Santos from Escola Superior de Saúde, Atlântica


The Medical Humanities Project Lecture “"Compaixão como um valor intrínseco ao cuidar"" presented by Maria João Santos from Escola Superior de Saúde, Atlântica will take place on Thurs 23th May at 5.00 p.m.  (GMT) in Sala B309 Torre B of NOVA FCSH Av. de Berna, 26 C. It will also be transmitted online through the link […]

Translation, Memory, and Politics in the Medieval World

Translation, Memory, and Politics in the Medieval World: The XIII Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation in the Middle Ages | The Medieval Translator The Centre for Classical Studies, the Centre for History and the Centre for English Studies are organizing the 13th Cardiff Conference on the Theory and Practice of Translation […]

Desire, Imagination & Dream: Angela Carter in Portugal

Desire, Imagination & Dream: Angela Carter in Portugal 27 – 29 June 2024, University of Lisbon This international conference, under the Angela Carter Society, explores the intricate relationships between art, politics, place, and sexuality in Angela Carter's writings. Inspired by Carter's 1977 visit to Portugal, documented in her essays for New Society, the conference will […]

Book Launch | Na Raiz de Todos os Males: Terror Doméstico no Séc. XXI

American Studies Over_Seas

Book Launch | Na Raiz de Todos os Males: Terror Doméstico no Séc. XXI On July 24th, at 6pm, we will be launching the book Na Raiz de Todos os Males: Domestic Terror in the 21st Century, at Casa do Comum (Rua da Rosa, 285, Lisbon). The session will be attended by the Director of […]