Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2022 conference

Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2022 conference – online, 17-19 November, 2022 The Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (CEAUL/ULICES) are delighted to […]

Mostra de Cinema

Promoted by the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, the American Corner and the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, the 1st Film Festival of the […]

ESC#58 AGEING STUDIES: Estudos em envelhecimento

The course will offer an overview of ageing studies with an insight into the theory as well as literature and culture in English it sustains. It will advance the understanding […]

Projecto “Vozes do Mundo Antigo e Medieval” (CEAUL/CEC)

Ciclo de Seminários “Lectures on the Medieval North”: Massimiliano Bampi – Defining Old Norse saga genres: problems and perspectives Resumo: "Although in Old Norse scholarship it is customary to divide the corpus of […]

Old English Course

Old English Course The aim of this free course consists in identifying the general characteristics of Old English (phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical) as well as in understanding the idiosyncrasy […]

Course in Narrative Medicine

Course in Narrative Medicine: from 5 June to 3 July 2023, during post-labour hours 17h00-20h00. The Course in Narrative Medicine takes place during the summer semester, from 5 June to […]