ESC # 21 Translating with Authors

Dates:  July 2 (9h30-13h30); July 4 and 9 (10h-13h); July 12 (14h45-16h45) Venue:  Room 5.2 - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organization: CEAUL Enrollment Form Abstract: Integrated in an ongoing collaborative translation project of Luso-American Literature (PEnPAL in Translation,, this workshop will focus on the theoretical issues of translation and diaspora and on practical problems […]

ULICES Conference on Translation Studies

Date: 10-11 Julho de 2013 Organization: CEAUL Place: FLUL Programme O Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa organiza este ano a primeira edição das Jornadas de Estudos de Tradução CEAUL - JET1, "Voz em Tradução Indirecta", que irão decorrer na FLUL, em 10-11 de Julho de 2013.  Os dois conferencistas plenários são o […]

Neither Here nor There, Yet Both: International Conference on the Luso-American Experience

Date: July 11-13, 2013 Organisation: CEAUL / CETAPS Venue: FLUL / FCSH Programme The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES) and the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) will host a conference in Lisbon, July 11-13, where we hope to stimulate the debate on Luso-American diasporic exchanges, with the worldwide participation of those […]

ESCAPE 19 Narrativa e Medicina – Ler: O texto do corpo, o corpo do texto

Date: July 22-26 (3pm-7pm); July 27 (9am-1pm) Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: CEAUL Enrollment Form Abstract: This course articulates several interdisciplinary components such as literature, yoga, theater, the performance arts, and other communicative facets of the human experience. With the aim of reading the body, this convergence of different types of knowledge, techniques, […]

Lectures Professor Antonia Navarro Tejero

Date: September 25-27 Venue: Amphitheater III and Room 5.2. - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: ULICES   Professor Antonia Navarro Tejero Department of English and German Philology, University of Cordoba "The Bleaching Syndrome in Postcolonial India" 09/25/2013 - 14pm - Amphitheater III "Thinking Postcolonial Theory" 09/26/2013 - 14.30pm - Room 5.2. "Water […]

1st Session of the Seminar Narrative and Medicine

Date: September 25, 17pm Venue: Centro de Bioética, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: CEAUL/CHC/CFUL Open to the public   Speakers: - João Almeida Flor (CEAUL) “Poliomielite epidémica e experiência do trágico em Philip Roth” - António Barbosa (FMUL) “Narrativas relacionais em fim de vida” Chair: Maria do Céu Machado (FMUL/ H. de […]

1st East & West Conference on Translation Studies – Translation History Matters

Date: 26-27 September 2013 Organisation: ULICES, FLUL (Portugal), SYSU (China) Venue: Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai Campus, China This conference aims to provide a biannual forum for East & West dialogue on Translation Studies.  This inaugural edition will be dedicated to “Translation History Matters” and welcomes contributions addressing issues related (though not circumscribed) to translation history, historiography and metahistoriography.  […]

18 ETC… Margarida Vale de Gato | Línguas divididas-Tradução literária e heteroglossia

Date:  October 4th / 18pm Venue:  Room 5.2. - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: CEAUL   The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies - ULICES Research Group in Translation and Reception Studies invites you to 18 ETC... Talks on Translation Studies, which will take place on Friday, 8th October, in Room 5.2., Faculty of Letters, University […]

19 ETC… Geraldine Brodie | Version, adaptation, translation?

Date:  October 23rd / 18pm Venue:  Room D. Pedro V - Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organization: ULICES   The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies - ULICES Research Group in Translation and Reception Studies invites you to 19 ETC... Talks on Translation Studies, which will take place on Wednesday, 23rd October, in Room […]

CFP: Salman Rushdie in the 21st Century: Swallowing a World International Conference

Data: 7-8 November 2013 Organização: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies Local: Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon Keynote speakers: Abdulrazak Gurnah (University of Kent, UK] Novelist, associate editor of the journal Wasafiri and editor of The Cambridge Companion to Salman Rushdie.Vijay Mishra (Murdoch University, Australia] Professor of English Literature and Director of the Krishna […]