O conto americano escrito por mulheres

Roundtable with Antónia Lima, Filipa Melo, and Isabel Lucas on the work of three writers: Lydia Davis, Lucia Berlin, and Alice Munro. The discussion will be dedicated specifically to the short-story genre.

ESC #57 – Ageing Studies Course

The course will offer an overview of ageing studies with an insight into the theory as well as literature and culture in English it sustains. It will advance the understanding of the ageing process across life-span and its expression in different genres such as life-writing, poetry and fiction. The ESC in AS will interrogate the […]

Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2022 conference

Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2022 conference – online, 17-19 November, 2022 The Association for Cultural Studies (ACS) and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (CEAUL/ULICES) are delighted to announce that the Crossroads in Cultural Studies 2022 conference is finally happening – the conference will be held in an online format from November 17 […]

Santiago Barreiro – Dragões e Tesouros no Norte Medieval

Abstract: "How were dragons represented in the medieval North? In this seminar, we will consider how these mythical beasts are understood in the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon imagination, focusing on four modes of representation: first, the dragon as a source of fear; second, its role as a figuration of the devil; third, the dragon in its […]

40 years of the first national exhibition of maritime ex-votos

“O Comandante Estácio dos Reis (1923-2018) e a exposição de ex-votos de 1983 no Museu de Marinha”, conference by commander Carlos Manuel Baptista Valentim, 14th December, 17h00, Sala do Serviço Educativo, Museu de Marinha, Lisboa, or in Facebook page of Comissão Cultural de Marinha here. More information here       This conference will be […]

Mostra de Cinema

Promoted by the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, the American Corner and the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, the 1st Film Festival of the School of Arts and Humanities aims to promote the creation and exhibition of films at university level, encouraging students to make their own films, fostering […]

Homenagem às Professoras Teresa Alves e Teresa Cid

É com grato prazer que anunciamos a sessão de homenagem às Profs. Teresa F. A. Alves e Teresa Cid, que terá lugar no próximo dia 20 de janeiro, a partir das 18.00 hrs, no anfiteatro I da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Letras. Da homenagem fará parte o lançamento de dois volumes de ensaios […]

Online Lecture in the Medical Humanities Lecture Cycle

The lecture will be given by Diana Ferreira and will take place online via Zoom, on 16 February 2023 (Thursday), starting at 6pm (Portugal Continental Time). The event will be open to the public, and can be accessed from the following details: Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91285725776?pwd=a3lOOWdtcnhJdVB3WFpkMEw2TXMzQT09 Meeting ID: 912 8572 5776 Password: 706759

ESC#58 AGEING STUDIES: Estudos em envelhecimento

The course will offer an overview of ageing studies with an insight into the theory as well as literature and culture in English it sustains. It will advance the understanding of the ageing process across life-span and its expression in different genres such as life-writing, poetry and fiction. The ESC in AS will interrogate the […]

Online Seminar in the Medical Humanities Permanent Seminar Cycle

Narrative Medicine (NM) is evolving from its first definitions (Charon, 2001; Greenhalgh. 1999) and perhaps can be seen as moving towards an approach related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. In the past two decades, NM has been “used” mainly with certain groups to develop empathy and trust in the relationship […]

Sarah Falcus Seminar | Children’s Literature and Ageing Studies: intergenerationality, time and the life course

This talk brings together ageing studies and children’s literature in order to argue that the relationship between child and older person has ramifications for our understanding of ourselves as temporal and relational beings. Scholars such as Vanessa Joosen have suggested that we revisit the traditionally limiting and even stereotypical alignment between the child and the […]

Projecto “Vozes do Mundo Antigo e Medieval” (CEAUL/CEC)

Ciclo de Seminários “Lectures on the Medieval North”: Massimiliano Bampi – Defining Old Norse saga genres: problems and perspectives Resumo: "Although in Old Norse scholarship it is customary to divide the corpus of extant sagas into genres, the current taxonomy has proven rather controversial for a number of reasons. In this talk I shall address the most relevant issues […]