49etc… Talks on Translation Studies

The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies – ULICES/CEAUL Research Group on Translation and Reception Studies invites you to the 49etc... Talks on Translation Studies. This talk will be broadcast on Zoom, Tuesday, April  27th, 2021, at 12:30. Our invited speaker is Telma Carvalho,  who will talk about her experience of translating Liu Cixin […]

ULICES / RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar

Title: Irish English in a time-capsule: Irish emigrant voices in speech and writing Guest speaker: Carolina Amador-Moreno Date: 3 May 2021, 14.00 (Western European Time Zone) Link – https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83937099303 Organisation: ULICES Research Groups 4 & 5 and RHOME – Representations of Home project Abstract: The legacy of Irish English (also known as Hiberno-English) in places such as Newfoundland, Australia, the United […]

ULICES / RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | 6 May 2021

Title: (Be)longing: A poetry reading about homes within and without Guest speaker: Jona Ray Date: 6 May 2021, 14.30-15.30 (Western European Time) | 7pm-8pm (India time) Link - videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/85775879953?pwd=YmJVa2E1ZjdyK0lEeUdSSlVyTDQyUT09 Organisation: RHOME – Representations of Home project Bio note: Jonaki Ray was educated in India (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) and the USA (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). […]


Women and Ageing: Towards equality, dignity and improvement of life and well-being.A ONE DAY SYMPOSIUM, 11th MAY, 2021 The paradox of ageing is that it is an ambivalent and malleable category. On one hand it outlines the limits of one’s usefulness for the system. It marginalizes those who no longer fit the categories of beauty, […]


Title: Trends and Culture Management Colloquium: new beginnings This is an international scientific activity aimed at communicating research results in the fields of trends and culture management. When: 25, 27 and 28 May 2021 Where: Online (all sessions will take place on Zoom/Google Meet) Keynote: Devon Powers (Temple University, USA) Main Topics: Cultural Management; Strategic Cultural Analysis; Trends and Innovation; Trends Identification/Analysis; […]

ESC #52 – Oficina de Ficção Audiovisual

Oficina dedicada à construção de um projeto de escrita para ficção audiovisual, desde a concepção da ideia ao momento do pitching. As sessões abordam as componentes introdutórias para o desenvolvimento de um projecto audiovisual, numa aplicação prática e objectiva. A Oficina de Ficção Audiovisual realiza-se a 28 de Maio, das 09h-12h e das 13h às 16h. O […]

Thelma & Louise: 30 years later

Round Table: Ana Barroso João Félix Teresa Cid Moderator: José Duarte 31 May, 4:30 P.M Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84578043402?pwd=bjBURXYzMVVZKzZaL3BYNHZ5cGthUT09 Meeting ID: 845 7804 3402 Password: mTtBU4

Caring and Sharing: Health and Humanities in Today’s World

The international conference “Caring and Sharing: Health and Humanities in Today’s World” will take place at University of Lisbon on 24-26 June 2021 and is organised by SHARE – Health and Humanities Acting Together, the University of Lisbon Project in Medical Humanities. The conference will provide a unique opportunity for researchers, research groups, academics and projects on the fields […]

RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | Crossing Borders, Retrieving Memories: The History of the Land Border

Title: Crossing Borders, Retrieving Memories: The History of the Land Border between Ireland and the United Kingdom Guest speaker: Filomena Louro Date: 30 September 2021, 12h30-14h00 Venue: Room C0.11A, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies | RHOME – Representations of Home project Abstract: The concept of land border has […]

RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse

  Title: Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse Guest speaker: Martina Podboj Date: 18 November 2021, 11h00-12h20 Venue: Room Sala C137, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa Organisation: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies | RHOME – Representations of Home project Abstract: Narrative, identity, and migration are […]

ESC #53 – Oficina de Montagem Fílmica

A Primeira Gramática do Cinema: Oficina que tem como objectivo familiarizar os seus participantes com as bases teórico-práticas sobre Montagem Fílmica. Os participantes finalizam a oficina dando os primeiros passos no mundo da montagem fílmica. A Oficina de Montagem Fílmica realiza-se a 11 de Dezembro, das 10h-12h. O Curso tem 15 vagas e os valores são de 25€ para […]

Curso de Formação de Professores: O Holocausto

No âmbito do projeto “Remembering the Past, Learning for the Future: Research-Based Digital Learning from Testimonies of Survivors and Rescuers of the Holocaust” , que está a ser desenvolvido no Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa está a ser desenvolvido o primeiro curso online de formação para professores sobre o Holocausto será realizado no […]