Representations of Home Open Seminar

Zuzanna Zarebska Sanches (Post-Doc) is a researcher at ULICES/CEAUL. She was a visiting scholar at NUI Maynooth, Ireland, and University College Dublin under the supervision of Professor Margaret Kelleher working on Irish women’s contemporary writing. Her research interests include Irish and British literature and culture, feminisms, gender and identity studies, ageing studies. She is a […]

Representations of Home Open Seminar with Louise Ross

This RHOSE Seminar 14 will be chaired by Zuzanna Sanches (ULICES/CEAUL) and will have the presence of the Australian author Louise Ross. Ross has a MA Psychology and Counselling, is a trained psychotherapist and the author of Women Who Walk. She has lived in the UK, France and the United States, but in 2014 moved […]

The Street and the City – Encounters

 The Street and the City – Encounters is the third in a series of multidisciplinary conferences devoted to the study of cities and the ways of living that have evolved in them over time. Although English Studies play a central role in this conference series, both from the cultural and the geographical points of view, […]

Exposição “Maria Teresa Horta e a sua Obra”

A exposição Maria Teresa Horta e a sua obra, organizada no âmbito do congresso internacional “Maria Teresa Horta e a Literatura Contemporânea: De Espelho Inicial (1960) a Estranhezas (2018)”, com o apoio da Biblioteca da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, constitui-se enquanto percurso de uma obra incontornável na literatura portuguesa. Ao longo da […]

Congresso Internacional Maria Teresa Horta e a Literatura Contemporânea

Marco incontornável na literatura contemporânea, a obra de Maria Teresa Horta abarca praticamente sessenta anos da história, da cultura e da literatura portuguesas. O presente congresso pretende revisitar e refletir sobre a ficção e não-ficção da autora, que ao longo de todo o seu percurso revela uma grande versatilidade e um domínio também ele subversivo […]

30º SEDERI International Conference

The Conference title – Brave New Worlds: Early Modern Discoveries –addresses in the first instance the momentous challenges of the age and the sense of novelty that characterised the period’s exploration of seas, islands and continents. But ‘discovery’ also encompasses other encounters between self and world through the mediation of renewed systems of learning, like […]

Conversas Cruzadas – Olhares sobre The Matrix

Para celebrar os 20 anos da estreia do filme The Matrix, dos irmãos Wachowski, o CEAUL irá organizar a terceira sessão das “Conversas Cruzadas” centrada neste filme. Este encontro contará com a presença de Angélica Varandas (FLUL), Adelaide Meira Serras (FLUL), Carlos João Correia (FLUL), Rui Agostinho (FCUL), Rui Prada (IST-UL) e Teresa Botelho (FCSH-UNL). […]

RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar with Lesley Saunders

Lesley  Saunders has  written  seven  poetry  collections,  most  recently A  Part  of  the Main (Mulfran Press 2018), co-authored with Philip Gross. The book is a response to the   political   and   social   upheavals   surrounding   the   UK’s   decision   to   leave   the European Union. Lesley Saunders also translates poetry and her English translations – including the poem that […]