Projecto “Vozes do Mundo Antigo e Medieval” (CEAUL/CEC)

Ciclo de Seminários “Lectures on the Medieval North”: Massimiliano Bampi – Defining Old Norse saga genres: problems and perspectives

Resumo: “Although in Old Norse scholarship it is customary to divide the corpus of extant sagas into genres, the current taxonomy has proven rather controversial for a number of reasons. In this talk I shall address the most relevant issues that Old Norse scholars are confronted with when it comes to investigating generic definition and generic awareness (with regard to saga literature) as well as the limits posed by the current taxonomy in dealing with such questions.”

Nota Biográfica: Massimiliano Bampi is Professor of Germanic Philology at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. He has published widely on Nordic medieval literatures, especially on genre in Old Norse-Icelandic literature, on the role of translation in medieval Sweden, and on intertextuality in medieval Nordic multi-text manuscripts. He is currently writing a monograph on saga genres and generic hybridity.

Date: 20 of April, 2023
Venue: Amphitheatre II, School of Arts and Humanities of University of Lisbon (FLUL)
Acess to the meeting:
ID da reunião: 963 3844 8195
Senha de acesso: 442127

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