The Street and the City

The Street and The City project  aims to promote the study of the city and the life that has evolved around it throughout more than three hundred years, and thus to promote the interdisciplinary debate within the English studies.

RHOME – Representations of Home

RHOME – Representations of Home

RHOME – Representations of Home studies textual and visual representations of home and belonging in literatures and cultures marked by dislocation, colonisation and migration.

Messengers from the Stars

Messengers from the Stars

Messengers from the Stars is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, offering academic articles, reviews, and providing an outlet for a wide range of creative work inspired by science fiction and fantasy.

PHM – Project in Medical Humanities

PHM - Project in Medical Humanities

The Project in Medical Humanities (PMH) aims to promote this emerging interdisciplinary field by using the knowledge and methods of the arts and humanities in the general area of health sciences and in close collaboration with health care professionals.