APRIL 22, 15:00-16:00 (BST)


  • Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation)
  • Lettie Dorst (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics)
  • Rudy Loock (Université de Lille)

What is #TranslationCafé?

#TranslationCafé is an initiative that promotes informal talks on a range of topics relevant for translators, translation researchers and other translation stakeholders. Each session counts with the participation of three speakers, who exchange views on the subject of their expertise and take questions from the audience.

When, where and how much?

#TranslationCafé takes place once a month and is held online. Participation is free of charge but registration is necessary. Details on how to access the event online will be sent closer to the event to registered participants. No recording will be provided. No software installation is needed.

#TranslationCafé is jointly organized by:

  • Nova University of Lisbon (CETAPS)
  • Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
  • University of Minho
  • Universitat Rovira i Virgil
  • University of Leeds
  • Universiteit Leiden
  • University of Lisbon

Follow us at @LetsTalkXl8 in Twitter

For more information please click here.

ESC #50 – Oficina de Edição de Filme

Oficina de Edição de Filme realiza-se a 10 de Abril, das 09h-13h, divide-se em dois grandes momentos: Uma primeira hora dedicada à teoria de Edição de Filme, seguida de duas horas de prática com utilização do software Premiere Pro. O Curso tem 15 vagas e os valores são de 25€ para Estudantes da ULisboa, 30€ para o público em geral.

Os interessados em inscrever-se deverão fazê-lo até dia 7 de Abril. Para tal, será necessário preencher a ficha de inscrição com todos os dados solicitados e remetê-la para centro.ang@letras.ulisboa.pt ou para gestao.ceaul@letras.ulisboa.pt até ao prazo indicado. Posteriormente, serão indicados os passos a realizar para efetuar o pagamento da inscrição.

ESC #51 – Oficina de Argumento Cinematográfico

Oficina de Argumento Cinematográfico realiza-se a 29 de Março, das 9-12h/13h-16h, e tem como objectivo principal ferramentas teóricas e práticas que permitam a construção de um projecto de escrita para ficção audiovisual, desde a conceção da ideia ao momento do pitching. O Curso tem 15 vagas e os valores são de 25€ para Estudantes da ULisboa, 30€ para o público em geral.

Os interessados em inscrever-se deverão fazê-lo até dia 25 de Março. Para tal, será necessário preencher a ficha de inscrição com todos os dados solicitados e remetê-la para centro.ang@letras.ulisboa.pt ou para gestao.ceaul@letras.ulisboa.pt até ao prazo indicado. Posteriormente, serão indicados os passos a realizar para efetuar o pagamento da inscrição.



MARCH 9, 15:00-16:00 (GMT)


  • Demi Krystallidou (University of Surrey)
  • Piotr Blumczynski (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Federico Fedirici (University College London)
Informal talks with translation experts from academia and industry.

About this Event

What is #TranslationCafé?

#TranslationCafé is an initiative that promotes informal talks on a range of topics relevant for translators, translation researchers and other translation stakeholders. Each session counts with the participation of three speakers, who exchange views on the subject of their expertise and take questions from the audience.

When, where and how much?

#TranslationCafé takes place once a month and is held online. Participation is free of charge but registration is necessary. Details on how to access the event online will be sent closer to the event to registered participants. No recording will be provided. No software installation is needed.

#TranslationCafé is jointly organized by:

  • Nova University of Lisbon (CETAPS)
  • Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
  • University of Minho
  • Universitat Rovira i Virgil
  • University of Leeds
  • Universiteit Leiden
  • University of Lisbon

Follow us at @LetsTalkXl8 in Twitter


MARCH 9, 15:00-16:00 (GMT)


  • Demi Krystallidou (University of Surrey)
  • Piotr Blumczynski (Queen’s University Belfast)
  • Federico Fedirici (University College London)

Acolhimento de Candidaturas CEAUL – Concurso Estímulo do Emprego Científico

O CEAUL informa que está em curso entre 29 de Janeiro e 26 de Fevereiro, a 4ª edição do Concurso Estímulo ao Emprego Científico Individual, promovido pela FCT no sentido de financiar 400 contratos para investigadores doutorados em todas as áreas científicas.

Todas as informações sobre o concurso podem ser consultadas na página da FCT. 

Os interessados em ter o CEAUL como instituição de acolhimento devem manifestar o seu interesse até 10 de Fevereiro de 2021, enviando mensagem com o assunto “Candidatura ao CEEC 2021” para o e-mail gestao.ceaul@letras.ulisboa.pt. É obrigatório o envio, para o referido endereço, de uma cópia do projeto a submeter à FCT até dia 19 de Fevereiro. 

A comunicação de aceitação de candidaturas pelo CEAUL será realizada até dia 25 de Fevereiro.

O concurso está aberto de 29 de Janeiro até às 17:00 de 26 de Fevereiro de 2021 (hora de Lisboa) e as instituições de acolhimento associam-se às respetivas candidaturas entre 1 e 19 de Março de 2021.

Culture and Anarchy. Reading Matthew Arnold Today II

An on-line international conference, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 12-13 April 202

Confirmed keynote speakers: Professor Laurel Brake (Professor Emerita, Birkbeck College, University of London) | Professor Murray Pittock (University of Glasgow)

It has been 150 years since Matthew Arnold published his groundbreaking work, Culture and Anarchy. His essays in book form are not only a powerful critique of Victorian society and values but also of modern ones. Contemporary political, economic and cultural issues provide an opportunity to revisit Arnold’s thought critically, to assess his enduring legacy, and to appraise the modern predicament in relation to distinguished cultural achievements from the past.

In the wake of the Brexit phenomenon, Victorian cultural superiority and idealism are worth exploring. Despite the invocation of ethnocentrism (e.g. Saxon-Celtic roots and Latin-French influences), Arnold strongly appealed to (English) national unity. The curtailment of the mechanic spirit would not only prevent unwarranted cultural uniformity but also provide the conditions for the continual improvement of the mind. Hence, it would be possible to find balance, light, and sweetness through cultural development in a society struggling with political turmoil, social change and the search for a sense of self. Like the Victorian sages, Brexiteers came up with new solutions to the country’s social and identity problems. Under the aegis of gaining back control over their lost national identity, Brexiteers recovered a national discourse based on myths, historical recreations, and constructed insights into a glorious past. The past, the present, and the future are thus unavoidably entangled, and all the more so in any reassessment of English (cultural) identity in the present.

Moreover, as part of an ongoing dialogue between researchers from the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES), this international conference aims to reflect on the meaning of Culture and Anarchy and other works by Arnold, with a special focus on their relevance for the present. The conference follows upon “Culture and Anarchy: From Arnold to Brexit”, an event that took place at the University of Lisbon in December 2019.

Deadline for registration: 31 March 2021.

Fees and registration

Registration fee: 40.00 euros
Student fee: 20.00 euros

Further information will be posted on the conference website: https://cetaps.wixsite.com/MatthewArnold2

Organizing Committee

Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa (CEAUL) | Iolanda Ramos (CETAPS/UNL) | Jorge Bastos da Silva (CETAPS/FLUP) | Teresa Malafaia (CEAUL) | Cristina Baptista (CEAUL) | Elisabete Silva (IP Bragança/CEAUL)

Download the CFP here.

To consult the program of the conference click here.
To acess the conference please use the following link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/81402334999?pwd=RVVyOC95cEZMRE1mSFpSTVMvRzlqUT09
Meeting ID: 814 0233 4999
Password: 626705

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships Call is now open and ULICES is always on the lookout for talented researchers at the postdoc level. If you are planning to apply for this fellowship and are interested in joining us here in Lisbon, we will be delighted to hear from you.
We are particularly interested in the following topics:
  • Interart Studies and Transmedia Studies; Medical Humanities; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Romantic, Modernist/Post-Modernist Studies;  Science Fiction and Fantasy (Research Group 1)
  • Film and Adaptation Studies; Heritage, Memory and Transmedia Studies; Intellectual History and Political Action; Moments across Places and Spaces; Socio-Cultural Trends; Victorianism and Neo-Victorianism (Research Group 2)
  • Academic and Creative Writing; Environmental Humanities; Pop Culture and the Avant-Gardes;  North-American Literature; Transatlantic Studies; TV, Cinema, and other Arts (Research Group 3)
  • Irish Studies; Literary Studies; Migration and Diaspora Studies; New Literatures in English; Post-colonial Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Research Group 4)
  • English a Lingua Franca (ELF); ELF-aware Pedagogy; Historical Lexicography; (Historical) Sociolinguistics; Varieties of English (Research Group 5)
  • Censorship, Indirect Translation, Retranslation, Translation Norms, Translation Strategies, Translator Status and Training across Different Translation Domains (Audiovisual, Institutional, Literary, Specialized Translation, etc.) (Research Group 6).
Please contact one of our research group coordinators with a brief description of your project by 27 July 2020.
More information on the MSCA Actions here.

Concurso para contratação de Investigador Doutorado no âmbito do Financiamento Programático FCT

Encontra-se aberto 1 (um) concurso para contratação de 1 (um) Investigador Doutorado no âmbito do Financiamento Programático FCT do Centro de Estudos Anglísticos da Universidade de Lisboa (FLUL-1-CEAUL-UIDP-2020). Este concurso encontra-se aberto durante 10 dias úteis após publicação do respectivo Aviso em Diário da República.

Diário da República Electrónico

Bolsa de Emprego Público


Call for Papers: II International Conference From Manuscript to Digital

II International Conference From Manuscript to Digital:

World Wide English Literature and World Wide Literatures in English

University of Lincoln, Universidade de Lisboa, Universidad de Jaén

Jaén (Spain), 1-3 December, 2020

English studies in the United Kingdom, whether of literature or language, have been forced to undergo greater self-evaluation in the academy in recent years, both culturally as successive governments attempt to shift the focus of Higher Education more towards the sciences and away from Arts and Humanities, and politically as the dominance of England within a post-Brexit UK leads to deeper criticism of the role of English literature in relation to Scotland, Wales and Ireland. As such, this call for papers represents an opportunity to frame some of those debates in a wider context and to shift the locus of English studies away from Anglophone countries to a European context and towards global literatures in English.

To that end, this second International Conference From Manuscript to Digital: World Wide English Literature and World Wide Literatures in English, jointly organized by the Universities of Lincoln (UK), Lisbon (Portugal) and Jaén (Spain), intends to gather scholars from these and other countries in order to examine a wide variety of cultural –ie, textual and/or visual – artefacts belonging to the field of English studies at large. By this we mean those texts produced in English in such diverse contexts as, say, the UK, the United States and Canada, Ireland, Australia, Nigeria, South Africa or India, among others. And although all sorts of different theoretical and critical approaches are welcome, the overt intention of this Conference will be to develop what we would like to call an European approach to English studies. The rationale behind this endeavour has to do with our intention to contribute to the strengthening of the links between the study of English language and literature in Britain and globally,  as a way to provide some common ground for the relations between various world countries in a post-Brexit scenario. This approach, then, we will call ‘Anglistics’, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary is the term to be employed “[c]hiefly in or with reference to continental Europe” (our emphasis) when addressing “the study of English language or literature” precisely.

Thematic pannels:

  • (Re)read and (re)interpreted in a global age
  • Facing the new map of Europe
  • In the digital post-modern age
  • Interacting with visual culture through the ages
  • The cradle of language and linguistic perspectives
  • Questioning identities
  • Lost (and found?) in translation
  • At the crossroads with transdisciplinary approaches

Proposals must be sent as an e-mail attachment to mantodigit20[at]ujaen.es until 1 July 2020, and must contain the following information:

Extended deadline: 15  September 2020

  • The full title of your paper.
  • A 200-word abstract.
  • Any technical requirements for the presentation (Please, save your power point as doc, docx or Mac. If you are using a Mac, please indicate and bring your own adapter cable).
  • Your name and institutional affiliation.
  • Your postal and e-mail addresses.
  • A short biographical note (100 words).

Due to the extraordinary situation we are living, the organizing commitee will be considered the possibility of presenting some of the papers on an online-format

Please, when sending the proposal make explicit whether your presentation will be face-to-face or online

For further information and updates, check the conference website: https://wenglishliterature.wixsite.com/2020conference.