Research Group 5

Research Group 5

Linguistics: Language, Culture and Society

Considering that the study of language should take into account its social and cultural contexts, this research group focusses on two main topics: (a) Global Englishes (English as a Lingua Franca/ English as an International Language/World Englishes) & interculturality, and (b) the historical linguistic exchanges between English and Portuguese.

Studying English in isolation is rapidly becoming an irrelevance, for much of what we ought to study has not much to do with English per se, but a lot with the multilingual contexts of which English has become a part.

Jan Blommaert

Research Group 5
4 integrated researchers

About our Research Group

1) Global Englishes (ELF/EIL/WE) – interculturality and English language teaching, in particular the development of ELF-aware teaching materials and methodologies as well as ELF-aware pre- and in-service teacher training; accents of English and linguistic discrimination (accentism); characteristics and domains of use of English by speakers of Portuguese; and the role of English in the context of third language learning or as an additional language (L3/Ln).

2) Historical linguistic exchanges between English and Portuguese – contexts, tools, effects.
Despite previous research on the history of (i) Portuguese grammars of English and English grammars of Portuguese, (ii) the teaching of English in Portugal, (iii) Portuguese bi- and multilingual lexicography and (iv) translation into Portuguese since 1495, the history of the linguistic exchanges between English and Portuguese is still under-researched. Our team aims to contribute to the mapping of such exchanges, considering in particular historical bilingual lexicography and the circulation of early modern travelogues and its linguistic effects. This focus of investigation is meant to provide a historical background to the contemporary language ecology considered in the former line of research.

RG5 also accommodates individual research interests of its members, which include continuing investigation on multimodality and literacy in educational practices and participation in ULICES intergroup projects (e.g. Intercultural Literature in Portugal (1930-2000): A Critical Bibliography).