This 50-hour on site and online course aims to help teachers, researchers, and post-graduate students to develop their writing competencies in academic English. The pedagogical approach is based on a workshop model, with a series of writing exercises that will be assessed by the teacher and discussed amongst peers in the weekly classes.
Dates: October 2, 2023 to January 10, 2024
Timetable: Mondays [room A114] and Wednesdays [room C245.B], 4.00-6.00pm
Credits: 1.8 ECTS
Fee (researchers, teachers, post-graduate students): 15€
Deadline to register: September 29
English language requirement: B2.2 or higher[1]
Enrolment: All those interested must fill in the enrolment form (available here) and email it to:
[1] Students should submit a certificate or diploma. If they do not have one, they may take a placement test prior to beginning the course.