Nameless City / Cidade Sem Nome — Photography Exhibition
The retrospective exhibition Nameless City , hosted by the Representations of Home in
Literatures and Cultures in English — (Dis)locations: The Shifting Thematics of Home
conference, covers some of Luísa Ferreira’s work over the last three decades. The city,
home, memory, gentrification, (dis)location, (un)settlement, (dis)possession and
(up)rootedness are central themes in a selection of images from her photographic series Há quanto tempo trabalha aqui? How long have you been working here?;
Intimidade Intimacy; Tranquilidade, Fidelidade, Infelicidade Tranquility, Loyalty, Unhappiness; Loreto (2020); Sem Prata (2019-2020); No Limite No Limit and Barbadinhos (2020) showcased at this exhibition.
Date: June 22nd to July 12th
Location: Exhibition space of the Library, University of Lisbon School of Arts and Humanities (Faculdade de Letras)
Website: Representations of Home in Literatures and Cultures in English (Rhome)
Inauguration: June 22nd, 6.30PM