Date: July 22-26 (3pm-7pm); July 27 (9am-1pm)
Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Organisation: CEAUL
Abstract: This course articulates several interdisciplinary components such as literature, yoga, theater, the performance arts, and other communicative facets of the human experience. With the aim of reading the body, this convergence of different types of knowledge, techniques, and resources will be at the service of a theoretical and practical approach, based on experimental exercises. We will address several aspects of the body, such as breathing, voice, gesture, rhythm, and other factors that potentiate meaning and define the way we present and represent ourselves, and the way we relate with ourselves and with others.
To explore the interactive process between multiple dimensions of corporality, from the material to the discursive, through the more subtle energetic fields, we will use i) literary reading principles and techniques; ii) strategies borrowed from theatrical practice; iii) yoga inspired exercises. We thus want to create the possibility to decipher and express our body and the other’s, with special emphasis on the contexts of clinical and/or pedagogical experience.
Trainers: Maria de Jesus Reis Cabral (CLP – FLUC) e Diana Almeida (CEAUL, UL)
Length: 24 hours
Language: Portuguese
Dates: July 22-26 (15h-19h); July 27 (9h-13h)
Fee: 150 euros (students: 110 euros)
Enrollment Deadline: July 17