Call for Papers
Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy
No. 8, 2025

Editors: Diana Marques & Ana Rita Martins

Messengers from the Stars is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, offering academic articles, reviews, and providing an outlet for a wide range of creative work inspired by science fiction and fantasy. The 2025 issue will be dedicated to the following theme:

‘Getting Medieval’: Fantasy and the Middle Ages

Traditionally distinguished by the presence of supernatural or magical elements, otherworldly settings, epic quests and archetypal characters, Fantasy fiction has been an incredibly popular genre since its inception. Indeed, as highlighted by scholars like John Clute, much of world fiction “has been described, at one time or another, as fantasy” (337). Although Fantasy is sometimes perceived as a form of escapism and at other times as a legitimate fictional realm with its own internal logic, the influence of the Middle Ages has remained a constant element in the construction of Fantasy worlds. From the use of folklore, myths, medieval legends and sagas, different contemporary authors look to the past as a source of inspiration, adapting, transforming and rewriting narratives to not only suit contemporary tastes and ideals but also to mirror present-day anxieties and fears. The works of J. R. R. Tolkien, George R. R. Martin, Robin Hobb, Joe Abercrombie, Marion Zimmer Bradley or Juliet Marillier, among others, are good examples of how the Middle Ages have served to fire the imagination.

Bearing this in mind and acknowledging that Fantasy continues to expand and develop, offering a diverse array of narratives as well as endless possibilities for storytelling and creative exploration, in this number we are especially interested in how Fantasy fiction uses the medieval past to create storylines that resonate with contemporary audiences across geographic, linguistic, cultural and political boundaries. We consider Fantasy in broader terms, including literature, cinema, television, comics/graphic novels, video games, music, etc., and are especially interested in submissions that expand the fields of knowledge and landscapes represented in the journal.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Arthuriana in Fantasy;
  • Female Agency in Medieval Fantasy;
  • Fantasy and the Global Middle Ages;
  • Heroism and Monstrosity in Fantasy;
  • Medieval Emotions in the Fantasy Genre;
  • Medieval Spaces and Places in Fantasy;
  • Medievalism, Neomedievalism and Fantasy;
  • (Mis)Perceptions of the “Medieval” and the “Middle Ages” in Works of Fantasy;
  • Which Middle Ages is it? – Identity in Fantasy.

Submissions, between 4000 and 6000 words in English, must be sent to by February 3, 2025. The authors will be notified by the end of March, 2025.

In addition, you can propose a book or film review. We welcome book and film reviews on current science fiction and fantasy research and PhD dissertations. Reviews should be between 500 to 1,000 words. Longer reviews, e.g. dealing with more than one book, must be agreed upon with the Editorial Board.

Books available for review:

Carroll, Jordan S. Speculative Whiteness: Science Fiction and the Alt-Right. University of Minnesota Press, 2024. ISBN 978-1-5179-1708-1.

Lapoujade, David. Worlds Built to Fall Apart: Versions of Philip K. Dick. Trans. by Erik Beranek. University of Minnesota Press, 2024. ISBN 978-1-5179-1461-5.

If you wish to review a title which is not in the list, then please email the Editors directly with your suggestion, as we do consider all requests for recent and forthcoming titles, especially from publishers already listed. If the book or film you wish to review is more than 3 years old, then you would need to demonstrate its significance to its field for it to be considered.

All submissions must follow the journal’s guidelines available here.



Call for Papers
Messengers from the Stars: On Science Fiction and Fantasy
No. 7, 2024

Guest Editor: Ana Daniela Coelho
Co-editor: Diana Marques

Messengers from the Stars is an international, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, offering academic articles, reviews, and providing an outlet for a wide range of creative work inspired by science fiction and fantasy. The 2023 issue will be dedicated to the following theme:

Adapting Fantasy and Sci-Fi in the Age of Streaming

Adaptation, whether recognized as such or not, has long been a staple in Fantasy and Sci-Fi productions of different media. Given the undeniable importance of streaming and the increasing number of new productions, this tendency has only grown stronger in recent years, as the plethora of available material is joined by multiple-platform strategies, where both narrative and audience engagement are enhanced.

2022 has borne witness to expanding universes – HBO’s House of Dragon or Amazon Prime’s The Rings of Power –, as well as to new adaptations – Wheel of Time, Shadow and Bone. Beyond the more usual literature-to-film movement, adaptations from, to or including fewer central media or formats, such as comics – Sandman (Netflix, 2022-) – or videogames – The Witcher (Netflix, 2019-), The Last of Us (2023-) – also made their debut in the last few years.

In addition, transmedia storytelling and expansion of narratives beyond one main story arch are increasingly common, as new productions are brought to light – Arcane (Netflix, 2021-) –, and pioneering projects were remembered and celebrated, as in the case of the recent 10th anniversary of web series The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012).

Thus, for this issue we are looking for articles that delve deeper into the topics of streaming and adaptation of Fantasy and Sci-Fi works, in particular objects that exploit the new capacities brought about by new platforms, namely transmedia strategies.

Possible topics may include, but are not limited to:

  • Adaptation of fantasy/sci-fi worlds into streaming/new platforms
  • Transmedia storytelling
  • Audience engagement and fandom
  • Issues of fidelity/creative independence to/from source texts
  • Expanding/reimagining fantasy/sci-fi worlds
  • Relevance of streaming platforms in the adaptation of fantasy/sci-fi works

Submissions, between 4000 and 6000 words in English, must be sent to by December 31st, 2023. The authors will be notified by the end of January.

In addition, you can propose a book or film review. We welcome book and film reviews on current science fiction and fantasy research and PhD dissertations. Reviews should be between 500 to 1,000 words. Longer reviews, e.g. dealing with more than one book, should be agreed upon with the Editorial Board. The guideline for book/film reviews is available here.

All submissions must follow the journal’s guidelines available at:

Culture and Anarchy. Reading Matthew Arnold Today II
An on-line international conference
Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Porto, 12-13 April 2021
Call for papers

Confirmed keynote speakers:

Professor Laurel Brake (Professor Emerita, Birkbeck College, University of London)
Professor Murray Pittock (University of Glasgow)

It has been 150 years since Matthew Arnold published his groundbreaking work, Culture and Anarchy. His essays in book form are not only a powerful critique of Victorian society and values but also of modern ones. Contemporary political, economic and cultural issues provide an opportunity to revisit Arnold’s thought critically, to assess his enduring legacy, and to appraise the modern predicament in relation to distinguished cultural achievements from the past.

In the wake of the Brexit phenomenon, Victorian cultural superiority and idealism are worth exploring. Despite the invocation of ethnocentrism (e.g. Saxon-Celtic roots and Latin-French influences), Arnold strongly appealed to (English) national unity. The curtailment of the mechanic spirit would not only prevent unwarranted cultural uniformity but also provide the conditions for the continual improvement of the mind. Hence, it would be possible to find balance, light, and sweetness through cultural development in a society struggling with political turmoil, social change and the search for a sense of self. Like the Victorian sages, Brexiteers came up with new solutions to the country’s social and identity problems. Under the aegis of gaining back control over their lost national identity, Brexiteers recovered a national discourse based on myths, historical recreations, and constructed insights into a glorious past. The past, the present, and the future are thus unavoidably entangled, and all the more so in any reassessment of English (cultural) identity in the present.

Moreover, as part of an ongoing dialogue between researchers from the Centre for English, Translation and Anglo-Portuguese Studies (CETAPS) and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES), this international conference aims to reflect on the meaning of Culture and Anarchy and other works by Arnold, with a special focus on their relevance for the present. The conference follows upon “Culture and Anarchy: From Arnold to Brexit”, an event that took place at the University of Lisbon in December 2019.

Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Arnold and modernity; Arnold’s modernity
  • Arnold and the idea of the sage
  • Arnold and other intellectuals – of his time and of our own
  • Arnold and the theory/ies of culture
  • the role and nature of cultural institutions
  • culture and societal transition(s)
  • anarchy, freedom and security
  • unity and divisiveness in culture and society
  • the liberal legacy and the question of equality
  • culture, politics and religion
  • translating Arnold; Arnold’s translators and translations
  • the international reception of the work of Matthew Arnold
  • Brexit and the search for identity
  • the impact of Brexit on (British) society and culture

Submission process

Abstracts for individual (20-minute) or panel presentations in English or Portuguese are welcome. Please include the following information with your proposal:

  • the full title of your paper;
  • a 250-300 word description of your paper;
  • 5 keywords;
  • your name, postal address and e-mail address;
  • your institutional affiliation and position;
  • a short bionote (circa 7 lines).

In order to prevent technological difficulties, participants will be required to send the Organizing Committee a video recording of their papers, no less than a week in advance. The videos will be broadcast in accordance with the programme. Participants are expected to be on-line for the discussion periods of the conference.

Please send submissions and address all queries to:

Deadline for the receipt of proposals: 5 March 2021.
Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2021.
Deadline for registration: 31 March 2021.

Fees and registration

Registration fee: 40.00 euros
Student fee: 20.00 euros

Further information will be posted on the conference website:

Organizing Committee

Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa (CEAUL) | Iolanda Ramos (CETAPS/UNL) | Jorge Bastos da Silva (CETAPS/FLUP) | Teresa Malafaia (CEAUL) | Cristina Baptista (CEAUL) | Elisabete Silva (IP Bragança/CEAUL)



RHOME - Representations of Home

ROAMRepresentations of Home Creative Journal

Autumn 2020

Call for Creative Submissions:

As a result of the pandemic, the RHOME 2020 Conference on Dislocation (22-23 October 2020) has been postponed. However, the good news is RHOME will launch the first issue of its new creative journal, ROAM, later this year.

Now more than ever, in this time of social distancing and confinement, RHOME sees the need to continue its focus on the theme, the experience and the actuality of home, the place and abode that looms so large these days in the lives of everyone on the planet.

Our homes are being lived as never before, in different ways, as safe havens, sites of cosy domestic calm, or alternatively as places of containment, economic deprivation, even incarceration or violence. Many of us are separated from loved ones or deprived of our social gatherings and routines. We are also being challenged, being given time usually spent elsewhere to pass in our homes, to rediscover what our homes hold, explore new domestic skills, neglected hobbies, to sift and sort and to reassess our daily lives, what it is that makes up our selves, our values, and to recalibrate the interior and the exterior. This includes our broader social obligations, including to the less privileged and most threatened, the elderly, the disabled, the homeless in our home communities and abroad. While social distancing has imposed severe economic challenges on communities, travel restrictions have created new opportunities, a breathing place for nature and the environment, and re-evaluation of its place in our lives.

Our daily lives, with their humdrum of chores and challenges, are inspired by thought, creativity and the reinvention of forms, as evident in the social media. Randall Jarrell has written how poetry issues from “the dailiness of life,” (1955) and John Burnside how, at times of profound reassessment, it is a kind of “scavenging” (2018, 101) from our lives lived, in Rilke’s “here and below.”

In the spirit of our creative session in RHOME 2017, and in the light of these challenging new times, RHOME invites past and future participants to submit creative proposals inspired by home as it is being experienced in these days. The following themes might be addressed:

  • home and seclusion, haven, safety
  • home and containment, separation and exile
  • home and self, affect, self-development
  • home and community, egotism and altruism
  • home and nature, the environment
  • home and the body, health, illness, isolation

Creative pieces can be in the form of unpublished poems, short fiction, memoir, essay, photos or film. Proposals should be brief: prose should not exceed 1000 words, poetry ca. 25 lines (maximum 3 poems), film (5-10 minutes) and photos (maximum 3, high resolution, at least 2000 pix). Authors are welcome to record readings of their written work to be available on-line.

As part of the ongoing RHOME project, submissions will be considered for publication in RHOME’s on-line creative journal ROAM to be issued in Autumn 2020.

Submissions along with a bionote of 50 words should be sent to rephome[at] by 31/08/2020 with a subject heading “ROAM 2020 Creative submissions”. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 30/09/2020.


Caring and Sharing: Health and Humanities in Today’s World
School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon
24-25 June 2021
Over the last few decades, Medical Humanities (MH) have shown how aesthetic and humanistic tools can inform an approach to health and illness that places the clinical relation at the centre of a multi- and interdisciplinary approach to healthcare.
Following recent developments in MH, the SHARE Project – Health and Humanities Acting Together – has been actively involved in this emergent area in terms of research, education / training and fieldwork, thus contributing to a narrative transformation of health and health care (Charon et al. 2017). At the end of an intensive three-year project with inter/national work and diversified activities, this final meeting offers a timely platform for sharing the outcomes of such involvement with an extended audience and for debating issues such as the limits and the potentialities of narrative within health care, the boundaries of MH and Narrative Medicine (NM), as well as the impact of using humanistic tools and methods in health care settings and educational contexts.
Given the general increase of MH around the world, as well as the crucial challenges this development poses and the academic opportunities it creates, this international conference will offer an adequate venue for other research groups, academics and projects from around the world to promote exchange of knowledge, research outputs and experiences. It will also create opportunities for networking and fostering future research collaborations.
The conference will bring together researchers coming from multidisciplinary, mutually fertilising domains, such as literature and the arts, philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology, pharmacy, medicine, nursing, physiotherapy, and bioethics. 
Accordingly, the conference target audience is mixed: from physicians and other healthcare professionals to medical humanities scholars and students.
This event will count on the presence of leading scholars in the MH and NM field, including the SHARE project consultant, Rita Charon.
We welcome paper and panel proposals in any of the following topics:
  • Rethinking narrative/ivity within health care
  • Using the knowledge and methods of the arts and humanities in the area of health sciences
  • Creating interdisciplinary educational programs
  • Sharing in-field activities and other applied tasks
  • Major ethical issues in the age of Big Data and AI (Artificial Intelligence)
  • Social impacts of Medical Humanities
  • Patient education and patients as educators
  • The limits of the representation of illness
  • Writing and confinement
  • Literature and pandemics
  • Art-based interventions in health care and other settings
  • Therapeutic uses of the arts
  • The impact of Medical Humanities on health care relationships and dynamics in practice
  • Science fiction and medical and ethical issues
The programme includes plenary sessions with keynote speakers, round-tables with guest speakers and parallel panels, through abstract submission.
Confirmed Speakers
Rita Charon
Katherine Hall
Lucy Caldwell
Manuel S. Marques
Brian Hurwitz
Marie-France Mamzer
Maria Giulia Marini
The paper and panel proposals will be reviewed by the Organising and Scientific Committee and by an external panel of experts and must include the following:
Paper proposals:
  • Title; summary (300 words); 4 key-words
  • Author(s) name (s); institutional affiliation; e-mail
  • Bio-bibliographical note (max. 150 words).
Panel proposals (3 to 4 papers):
  • Panel title; panel summary (250 words); 4 key-words
  • Convenor’s name, affiliation and e-mail
  • Authors’ name (s); institutional affiliation; e-mail
  • Paper title; paper summary (200 words); 4 key-words
  • Bio-bibliographical note of convenor and authors (max. 150 words each).
Languages: Portuguese and English
Important dates
Conference announcement (CFP):  11 May 2020
Deadline for abstract submissions: 31 October 2020
Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2021
Provisional programme: 15 May 2021
Final programme: 1 June 2021
Abstracts must be sent to the following e-mail: medhum[at]
28 February 2021: 100 euros
1 March to 31 April 2021: 150 euros
Students (Master, PhD): 30 euros
*Participants are responsible for their own travelling arrangements and accommodation.
SHARE Project | ULICES – University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies
FLUL – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa / School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa / President’s Building of ULisboa
Selected contributions will be published in a peer-reviewed volume.


Science Fiction and Fantasy International Conference

Messengers from the Stars: Episode VI – “Nature and Overnature in Science Fiction and Fantasy”

School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

Postponed sine die

Regrettably, due to the current pandemic, this year’s conference will have to be postponed to 2021. In the meantime, we urge you to submit any proposed papers you may have to be published in our peer-reviewed journal, which is still scheduled to come out this year. For further details, please see the Messengers From the Stars Journal webpage.

Representations of Home 3

“Where do we carry home now?”
Shifting perceptions of home

School of Arts and Humanities, University of Lisbon

Postponed sine die

Due to the current pandemic, the Representations of Home conference has been postponed and a new date will be duly announced.
RHOME Creative will soon issue an updated call for creative texts and images.
For more information, please contact rephome[at]