Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal

Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal

Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal

The Dictionary of North-American Studies in Portugal (DENAMP) is a project coordinated by the RG3 of ULICES. This multidisciplinary repository is a digital archive with a special focus on Portuguese research in American Studies and includes entries of works authored by Portuguese scholars or writers, American Studies essays published in Portugal, and also any publication on Portuguese-Americans. Each entry includes a detailed description with additional information on the physical/digital location, whenever possible. This data base is updated on a regular basis and aims at providing a tool that will be an important asset for researchers working in this field of studies and, simultaneously, contribute to the dissemination of their work.


Teresa F.A. Alves

Teresa Cid

José Duarte

Executive Collaborators:

Ana Tomaz


DENAMP: http://ulices-databases.ulisboa.pt/dict.htm