Date: 30 June – 9 July [17h-20h] | 10 July [16h-20h]
Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Organization: ULICES
Enrollment Form
Abstract: During the sessions the films will be projected and critical texts will be handed out in order to raise discussion and allow a deeper and more interesting analysis of the films selected. Theoretical, philosophical and literary texts will be provided. Films: A Rebel Without a Cause, de Nicholas Ray: Rumble Fish, de Francis Ford Coppola; The Clockwork Orange, de Stanley Kubrik; The Lord of the Flies, de Peter Brook; Highschool, de Frederik Wiseman; Elephant, de Gus Van Sant; Kids de Larry Clark; Afterschool, de António Campos.
Trainers: Ana Paula Barroso*
Language: Portuguese
Dates: 30 June – 9 July, 17h-20h | 10 July, 16h-20h
Fee: 80 € (students / ULICES: 30 €)
Enrollment Deadline: June 16th
Session 1: Introduction to cinema
Film as a social and aesthetic phenomenon and as a body of critical analysis
Classic Film Theory
Session 2: Topics in film aesthetics and film genre
Contemporary Film Theory
Teen violence and film
Session 3: Screening of the film A Rebel without a Cause
Teen culture and film
Film and Existentialism
Session 4: Screening of the film Rumble Fish
Photography and film (Tulsa, de Larry Clark)
Teen violence and American dream
Session 5: Screening (extracts) of the films Lord of the Flies/ The Clockwork Orange
Literature and cinema
Film adaptation
Session 6: Screening of the Film High School
Documentary film
Cinéma verité
Observational camera
Session 7: Screening of the film Elephant
Fiction and real
Experimental cinema and Auteurism
Session 8: Screening of the film Kids
Bodies and performance
Violence and the city
Session 9: Screening of the film Afterschool
Image and truth
Film and new media
*Ana Paula Barroso holds an MA in American Studies, having written her thesis on David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive. She is currently working towards her PhD on the films by Gus Van Sant and Larry Clark. She has presented her research in several international and national conferences, and has published her essays on art and cinema in international and national magazines and books in Portugal and abroad. Her videoart has been screened in several countries around the world. Her works have been awarded in the USA, Slovenia and Bosnia-Herzegovina.