Reception for applications | Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus

The Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus is open between 3rd of February and 3rd of March. Through this initiative FCT will fund 400 contracts for PhD researchers in all scientific domains. 

All information about this call is available at the FCT website.

Those interested in having ULICES/CEAUL as the host institution should express their interest by sending an e-mail with the subject “CEEC 2021 – Call” to . It is mandatory to send, to the same address, a copy of the project to be submitted to FCT until 10th of February.

The proposals will be analysed and CEAL-ULICES decision will be communicated to the candidates until the 22th of February 2022.

The call is open from the 3rd of February until 17:00 on the 3rd of March 2022 (Lisbon time) and the host institutions associate themselves with the respective applications between the 4th and 29th of March 2022.

Posted in events.