#EFOOD 2022 | 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change

Re-transforming, rethinking and redesigning the world’s food systems, making them more inclusive, equitable and sustainable may seem like an insurmountable challenge. But there are actually concrete actions that designers can take. The FORK Organization proved it with the 1st World Food Design DAY 2021. A 20-hour virtual journey through the world, to discover how design is activating a change in the agri-food sector. On the occasion of the UN 2021 World Food Day, The FORK Organization launched its first day on food design. The time has come to reflect on the future that we must build together:

We can all learn from food by working with food?
What can you do as a designer?
What can governments, industries, supranational organizations do?
What can the private and public sectors do?
What can farmers, producers, distributors, restaurateurs do?
What can academia, research, science do?
What can civil society do?
And what real contribution designers can make?

This is the big theme of the EFOOD2022 conference. A theme that wants to be treated from a scientific and academic point of view, but to make a contribution even outside of schools and universities. A way to make people understand, once again, the potential of design in innovation and preservation of the Planet. There are 800 million people suffering from hunger and at the same time high rates of obesity. Healthy, nutritious diets are expensive, yet many producers are poor. Current practices are not good for the environment. It is clear that we need a revolution. A revolution so radical as to completely overturn the previous versions of our food systems. Transforming food systems for prosperity, making innovations available and accessible technologies to tackle the problems and issues related to climate change, encouraging sustainable food and design techniques, with a great impact on people’s lives.

The organizing institutions of the 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change, invite professors, MA and PhD students, researchers, chefs, professionals and designers from all scientific areas to submit unpublished articles or projects for presentation at the 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change. The conference emerges as a forum where academics and experts collaborate in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary way on the current food system and its food. Like the first and second conferences, it is intended to be a meeting between the world of design and food with other scientific areas.

The 3rd International Food Design and Food Studies Conference, Experiencing and Envisioning Food: Designing for Change, seeks to explore potential solutions to current problems of the food system and scenarios on the future of food and nutrition. The fundamental objective of the conference is to generate value for our food and the design as a research and work methodology. This important goal can only be achieved if specific steps are taken if we carry out essential tasks. If to define a goal, it is necessary to emphasize the benefits and reasons for this. To achieve it, it is instead necessary to focus on a specific and positive process. For this reason, the word envisioning, as the ability to plan the present and activate change, having a holistic and systemic approach, looking towards the future. It is also intended that academics interact with the industry, and the proposed format facilitates collaboration between diverse scientific domains.

We are opening the call for articles on the following topics:

Design for Sustainability and Agenda 2030
Design for Social Innovation
Design for Food Design Education
Design for Policies and Communities
Design for Nutrition and Health
Design for Gastro-wine Tourism
Design for Gastronomy

For more information please click here.

RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | Crossing Borders, Retrieving Memories: The History of the Land Border between Ireland and the United Kingdom

Title: Crossing Borders, Retrieving Memories: The History of the Land Border between Ireland and the United Kingdom
Guest speaker: Filomena Louro
Date: 30 September 2021, 12h30-14h00
Venue: Room C0.11A, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Organisation: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies | RHOME – Representations of Home project

The concept of land border has taken an important development with events arising from the 2016 Referendum, which asked British subjects the following question: Should the United Kingdom remain a member of the European Union or leave the European Union? This question has triggered a very heated debate proving how limited knowledge British society has of the issues regarding their connections and relations with Ireland. The situation is far from any settled appeasement and the social comments on the media or cultural analysts can only be used as a tentative effort to make sense of what may become a very critical political conundrum. After almost four years passed and the question of closing borders is still unresolved. How do artists measure the tension of this debate and how do they contribute to its resolution?

Bio note:
Maria Filomena Louro graduated from the University of Porto, has an M.A. in English Drama from the University of Essex, reading on John Arden’s trilogy The Island of the Mighty, and a PhD in Theatre Studies from the University of Warwick, where she worked with Clive Barker, with a thesis on the Drama of J.M. Synge. She is Associate Professor at the University of Minho.  
Her research interests are Irish Literature and Theatre, and Myths and Legends of Ireland. She translated plays by English and Irish authors for productions in Braga and Porto and has also acted as a cultural advisor in theatre productions with various companies, namely the former TUM – Teatro Universitário do Minho, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, Teatro Oficina, Mala Voadora, and Teatro Experimental do Porto. She is a co-founder of EFACIS – European Federation of Associations and Centres of Irish Studies.

RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse

Title: Migrating, belonging, and the ‘feeling of home’: Analyzing identity through narrative discourse  
Guest speaker: Martina Podboj
Date: 18 November 2021, 11h00-12h20
Venue: Room Sala C137, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Organisation: University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies | RHOME – Representations of Home project

Narrative, identity, and migration are three robust and complex notions that are studied from different perspectives in various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences. In this talk, I will attempt to outline their interconnectedness from a sociolinguistic perspective. I aim to present the background of narrative analysis in sociolinguistics and show how the analysis of narratives of personal experience about migration can be employed to investigate discursive construction of identity. I will illustrate this through examples of authentic narratives told by different profiles of female migrants (professional glomads, economic migrants, climate migrants). I will focus on how they rely on various linguistic devices and discursive strategies to express belonging, agency, and authenticity in social contexts characterized by uncertainty and instability.

Bio note:
Martina Podboj is a junior researcher and teaching assistant at the Department of English Studies, University of Rijeka, Croatia. She conducted her doctoral research at the University of Alberta, Canada, as a visiting doctoral research fellow (2017-2018) and received her PhD in Linguistics from the University of Zagreb in 2019. Her main research interests include sociolinguistics, narrative and discourse analysis, and second language acquisition. She is also an associate lecturer of Croatian as a Second Language at the University of Zagreb, Croatia.  


Title: Trends and Culture Management Colloquium: new beginnings This is an international scientific activity aimed at communicating research results in the fields of trends and culture management.
When: 25, 27 and 28 May 2021
Where: Online (all sessions will take place on Zoom/Google Meet)
Keynote: Devon Powers (Temple University, USA)
Main Topics: Cultural Management; Strategic Cultural Analysis; Trends and Innovation; Trends Identification/Analysis; Socio-cultural Trends and Strategy; Lifestyles. 
What: Scientific Keynote Lecture; Scientific Communications; Roundtables.

Trends Studies are a growing business and academic enterprise. They look to the complex dynamics and objects/phenomena that are changing the socio-cultural landscape. For this, they look to the past and the present to find patterns and cultural innovations capable of generating insights. They work together with a strategic cultural analysis. This management and analysis of cultural data provides a much needed compass for strategic development in areas like communication and branding in general. Our online “Trends and Culture Management Colloquium: new beginnings” will tackle these matters.

For more information click here.

ULICES / RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar | 6 May 2021

Title: (Be)longing: A poetry reading about homes within and without
Guest speaker: Jona Ray
Date: 6 May 2021, 14.30-15.30 (Western European Time) | 7pm-8pm (India time)
Organisation: RHOME – Representations of Home project

Bio note:
Jonaki Ray was educated in India (Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur) and the USA (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). A scientist by education and training, and a software engineer (briefly) in the past, she is now a poet, writer, and editor in New Delhi, India.  

Jonaki was nominated for the Pushcart Prize and the Forward Prize for Best Single Poem, and won the First Prize in the 2017 (Oxford Brookes International Poetry Contest, ESL category). She is a 2019 Iceland Writers Retreat Alumni Award winner and has been shortlisted for multiple other awards, including the 2018 Gregory O’Donoghue International Poetry Prize and the 2016 Writers’ HQ International Fiction Contest.

Her work has been published in Poetry, The Rumpus, Southword Journal, So to Speak Journal, Lunch Ticket, Indian Literature (India’s National Academy of Letters), and elsewhere. To know more, visit https://jonakiray.com.

ULICES / RHOSE – Representations of Home Open Seminar

Title: Irish English in a time-capsule: Irish emigrant voices in speech and writing
Guest speaker: Carolina Amador-Moreno
Date: 3 May 2021, 14.00 (Western European Time Zone)
Link – https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/83937099303
Organisation: ULICES Research Groups 4 & 5 and RHOME – Representations of Home project

The legacy of Irish English (also known as Hiberno-English) in places such as Newfoundland, Australia, the United States and the Caribbean has been dealt with in various studies since the ‘80s. Some scholars have focused on the role of British dialects in both the genesis and subsequent history of postcolonial Englishes. However, an important omission in the context of the study of this variety so far has been the Latin-American scene.

During the nineteenth century, between 40,000 and 45,000 persons born in Ireland emigrated to Argentina. Most of them settled in the Argentine pampas and worked primarily as shepherds and sheep-farmers. They started families and became the largest Irish community in the Spanish-speaking world. Their descendants’ use of English still displays Irish English features.

This talk will analyse the survival of Irish English in oral narratives and written documents produced by the Irish-Argentines. It will examine phonological, syntactic and lexical features of Irish English in a set of documents produced by Radio Telefís Éireann between 1987 and 1997 and it will also pay attention to the orality contained in some of the language used in letter-writing. The talk will reflect upon the transportation and preservation of dialectal features through generations of Irish English speakers whose contact with Ireland was, in many cases, non-existant. Through the narratives of the Irish-Argentines, we will explore the linguistic consequences of emigration and language contact in a Spanish speaking context.

Bio note:
Carolina P. Amador-Moreno is Associate Professor of English Linguistics at the University of Bergen. She has held different teaching positions at the University of Extremadura (Department of English), the University of Limerick (Department of Languages and Cultural Studies), and University College Dublin (English Department, where she was appointed lecturer in Hiberno-English). Her research interests centre on the English spoken in Ireland and include historical linguistics, stylistics, discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, sociolinguistics, and pragmatics. Her publications include articles and chapters dealing with these topics. She is the author, among others, of Orality in written texts: Using historical corpora to investigate Irish English (1700-1900), Routledge (2019); An Introduction to Irish English, Equinox (2010); the co-edited volumes Irish Identities: Sociolinguistic Perspectives -Mouton de Gruyter (2020); Voice and Discourse in the Irish Context –Palgrave-Macmillan (2017); Pragmatic Markers in Irish English (2015) -John Benjamins; and Fictionalising Orality, a special issue of the journal Sociolinguistic Studies (2011). Until August 2020 she was Director of the Research Institute for Linguistics and Applied Languages (LINGLAP) at the University of Extremadura.

Remebering the Past, Learning for the Future Project

Benjamin Schlesinger (the child in the centre of the image) at the Cozinha Económica Israelita, the refugee canteen in Lisbon at the time of World War II – Sousa Mendes Foundation

The Research Group 6 of the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (GI6/ULICES) proudly announces that the project “Remembering the Past, Learning for the Future: Research-Based Digital Learning from Testimonies of Survivors and Rescuers of the Holocaust“ [ID 740639658] was approved for funding by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) in March 2021. With the total funding of 33.656 EUR,  the project will last for 12 months, from 5 April 2021 until 4 April 2022. 

In cooperation with USC Shoah Foundation, Zachor Foundation, Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, and the University of Luxembourg,  ULICES GI6 will create digital educational resources in Portuguese based on the video testimonies of Holocaust survivors and rescuers from the USC Shoah Foundation’s Visual History Archive.

Principal Investigator: Zsófia Gombár (GI6/ULICES)

Research Team (GI6/ULICES): Susana Valdez, Catarina Xavier, Ana Raquel Fernandes, Hanna Pieta, and Cláudia Martins

International Partners: Andrea Szőnyi (USC Shoah Foundation), Gabriella Komoly (Zachor Foundation), Ildikó Barna (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem), Jakub Bronec (University of Luxembourg), and Martin Smok (OpenEye).

49etc… Talks on Translation Studies

The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies – ULICES/CEAUL Research Group on Translation and Reception Studies invites you to the 49etc… Talks on Translation Studies. This talk will be broadcast on Zoom, Tuesday, April  27th, 2021, at 12:30. Our invited speaker is Telma Carvalho,  who will talk about her experience of translating Liu Cixin Sci-Fi work into Portuguese.

Come and join our talk!

Zoom coordinates: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/86519271282
Password: 49etc…

Further info:
Website: https://sites.google.com/campus.ul.pt/etc/next-etc
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/estudosdetraducaoaconversa
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/estudostraducao


APRIL 22, 15:00-16:00 (BST)


  • Lynne Bowker (University of Ottawa’s School of Translation and Interpretation)
  • Lettie Dorst (Leiden University Centre for Linguistics)
  • Rudy Loock (Université de Lille)

What is #TranslationCafé?

#TranslationCafé is an initiative that promotes informal talks on a range of topics relevant for translators, translation researchers and other translation stakeholders. Each session counts with the participation of three speakers, who exchange views on the subject of their expertise and take questions from the audience.

When, where and how much?

#TranslationCafé takes place once a month and is held online. Participation is free of charge but registration is necessary. Details on how to access the event online will be sent closer to the event to registered participants. No recording will be provided. No software installation is needed.

#TranslationCafé is jointly organized by:

  • Nova University of Lisbon (CETAPS)
  • Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
  • University of Minho
  • Universitat Rovira i Virgil
  • University of Leeds
  • Universiteit Leiden
  • University of Lisbon

Follow us at @LetsTalkXl8 in Twitter

For more information please click here.