Anglo Saxonica has reinvented itself

Anglo Saxonica has reinvented itself.

With a multidisciplinary approach, the journal has been securing a place in the sharing of knowledge worldwide, promoting a dialogue between the geocultural areas in English.

Published by Ubiquity Press, indexed in Scopus, ERIH Plus, and MLA Directory of Periodicals, Anglo Saxonica aims to continue to assert itself as a leading academic journal. Focusing on original and innovative research, the volumes include scientific articles, reviews, interviews, and creative writing.

Recently, the magazine extended its dissemination to social networks and created a blog for the publication of reviews, podcasts, and informal texts (max. 300 words), in English or Portuguese.

We would like to count on the collaboration of all to disseminate this editorial project, born from the commitment of several generations of researchers from ULICES. To reinforce the internationalization of the journal, proposals for the organization of thematic volumes (special issues) − resulting from the collaboration between ULICES’s members and foreign researchers internationally recognized as experts in different areas of multidisciplinary English studies − will be particularly welcome.

For more information, please visit the new Anglo Saxonica website, blog, and follow the journal’s Twitter and Facebook pages.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – Individual Fellowships

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowships Call is now open and ULICES is always on the lookout for talented researchers at the postdoc level. If you are planning to apply for this fellowship and are interested in joining us here in Lisbon, we will be delighted to hear from you.
We are particularly interested in the following topics:
  • Interart Studies and Transmedia Studies; Medical Humanities; Medieval and Renaissance Studies; Romantic, Modernist/Post-Modernist Studies;  Science Fiction and Fantasy (Research Group 1)
  • Film and Adaptation Studies; Heritage, Memory and Transmedia Studies; Intellectual History and Political Action; Moments across Places and Spaces; Socio-Cultural Trends; Victorianism and Neo-Victorianism (Research Group 2)
  • Academic and Creative Writing; Environmental Humanities; Pop Culture and the Avant-Gardes;  North-American Literature; Transatlantic Studies; TV, Cinema, and other Arts (Research Group 3)
  • Irish Studies; Literary Studies; Migration and Diaspora Studies; New Literatures in English; Post-colonial Studies; Visual Arts and Performing Arts (Research Group 4)
  • English a Lingua Franca (ELF); ELF-aware Pedagogy; Historical Lexicography; (Historical) Sociolinguistics; Varieties of English (Research Group 5)
  • Censorship, Indirect Translation, Retranslation, Translation Norms, Translation Strategies, Translator Status and Training across Different Translation Domains (Audiovisual, Institutional, Literary, Specialized Translation, etc.) (Research Group 6).
Please contact one of our research group coordinators with a brief description of your project by 27 July 2020.
More information on the MSCA Actions here.

Postdoctoral fellow position available – FCT Programmatic Funding

Applications are open for a period of 10 (ten) working days upon publication of the official announcement in Diário da República (the Portuguese Official Gazette) for 1 (one) position of Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon

Diário da República Electrónico

Bolsa de Emprego Público


Call for Papers: II International Conference From Manuscript to Digital

II International Conference From Manuscript to Digital:

World Wide English Literature and World Wide Literatures in English

University of Lincoln, Universidade de Lisboa, Universidad de Jaén

Jaén (Spain), 1-3 December, 2020

English studies in the United Kingdom, whether of literature or language, have been forced to undergo greater self-evaluation in the academy in recent years, both culturally as successive governments attempt to shift the focus of Higher Education more towards the sciences and away from Arts and Humanities, and politically as the dominance of England within a post-Brexit UK leads to deeper criticism of the role of English literature in relation to Scotland, Wales and Ireland. As such, this call for papers represents an opportunity to frame some of those debates in a wider context and to shift the locus of English studies away from Anglophone countries to a European context and towards global literatures in English.

To that end, this second International Conference From Manuscript to Digital: World Wide English Literature and World Wide Literatures in English, jointly organized by the Universities of Lincoln (UK), Lisbon (Portugal) and Jaén (Spain), intends to gather scholars from these and other countries in order to examine a wide variety of cultural –ie, textual and/or visual – artefacts belonging to the field of English studies at large. By this we mean those texts produced in English in such diverse contexts as, say, the UK, the United States and Canada, Ireland, Australia, Nigeria, South Africa or India, among others. And although all sorts of different theoretical and critical approaches are welcome, the overt intention of this Conference will be to develop what we would like to call an European approach to English studies. The rationale behind this endeavour has to do with our intention to contribute to the strengthening of the links between the study of English language and literature in Britain and globally,  as a way to provide some common ground for the relations between various world countries in a post-Brexit scenario. This approach, then, we will call ‘Anglistics’, which according to the Oxford English Dictionary is the term to be employed “[c]hiefly in or with reference to continental Europe” (our emphasis) when addressing “the study of English language or literature” precisely.

Thematic pannels:

  • (Re)read and (re)interpreted in a global age
  • Facing the new map of Europe
  • In the digital post-modern age
  • Interacting with visual culture through the ages
  • The cradle of language and linguistic perspectives
  • Questioning identities
  • Lost (and found?) in translation
  • At the crossroads with transdisciplinary approaches

Proposals must be sent as an e-mail attachment to mantodigit20[at] until 1 July 2020, and must contain the following information:

Extended deadline: 15  September 2020

  • The full title of your paper.
  • A 200-word abstract.
  • Any technical requirements for the presentation (Please, save your power point as doc, docx or Mac. If you are using a Mac, please indicate and bring your own adapter cable).
  • Your name and institutional affiliation.
  • Your postal and e-mail addresses.
  • A short biographical note (100 words).

Due to the extraordinary situation we are living, the organizing commitee will be considered the possibility of presenting some of the papers on an online-format

Please, when sending the proposal make explicit whether your presentation will be face-to-face or online

For further information and updates, check the conference website:

ROAM – Representations of Home Creative Journal: call for creative submissions

Representations of Home

ROAM – Representations of Home Creative Journal

Call for Creative submissions:

As a result of the pandemic, the RHOME 2020 Conference on Dislocation (22-23 October 2020) has been postponed. However, the good news is RHOME will launch the first issue of its new creative journal, ROAM, later this year.

Now more than ever, in this time of social distancing and confinement, RHOME sees the need to continue its focus on the theme, the experience and the actuality of home, the place and abode that looms so large these days in the lives of everyone on the planet.

Our homes are being lived as never before, in different ways, as safe havens, sites of cosy domestic calm, or alternatively as places of containment, economic deprivation, even incarceration or violence. Many of us are separated from loved ones or deprived of our social gatherings and routines. We are also being challenged, being given time usually spent elsewhere to pass in our homes, to rediscover what our homes hold, explore new domestic skills, neglected hobbies, to sift and sort and to reassess our daily lives, what it is that makes up our selves, our values, and to recalibrate the interior and the exterior. This includes our broader social obligations, including to the less privileged and most threatened, the elderly, the disabled, the homeless in our home communities and abroad.  While social distancing has imposed severe economic challenges on communities, travel restrictions have created new opportunities, a breathing place for nature and the environment, and re-evaluation of its place in our lives.

Our daily lives, with their humdrum of chores and challenges, are inspired by thought, creativity and the reinvention of forms, as evident in the social media. Randall Jarrell has written how poetry issues from “the dailiness of life,” (1955) and John Burnside how, at times of profound reassessment, it is a kind of “scavenging” (2018, 101) from our lives lived, in Rilke’s “here and below.”

In the spirit of our creative session in RHOME 2017, and in the light of these challenging new times, RHOME invites past and future participants to submit creative proposals inspired by home as it is being experienced in these days. The following themes might be addressed:

  • home and seclusion, haven, safety
  • home and containment, separation and exile
  • home and self, affect, self-development
  • home and community, egotism and altruism
  • home and nature, the environment
  • home and the body, health, illness, isolation

Creative pieces can be in the form of unpublished poems, short fiction, memoir, essay, photos or film. Proposals should be brief: prose should not exceed 1000 words, poetry ca. 25 lines (maximum 3 poems), film (5-10 minutes) and photos (maximum 3, high resolution, at least 2000 pix). Authors are welcome to record readings of their written work to be available on-line.

As part of the ongoing RHOME project, submissions will be considered for publication in RHOME’s on-line creative journal ROAM to be issued in Autumn 2020.

Submissions along with a bionote of 50 words should be sent to Representations of Home project by 31/08/2020 with a subject heading “ROAM 2020 Creative submissions”. Notification of acceptance will be sent out by 30/09/2020.

English Studies Courses #49 – “Film Essay: Digital Workshop”

What is the purpose of a Film Essay? What kind of language does the Film Essay use? How can we use it as a way of communicating, be it the academic context or outside of it?
While trying to address these questions, this workshop will comprise a theoretical and a practical session, in order to promote a hands-on experience on thinking, editing, and on cinematography as a creative exercise.

Enrollment: Please contact FLUL’s Academic Services (Serviços Académicos), at Proof of payment should be sent to

Students from ULisboa: 20€ | General public: 30€


Miguel Mira graduated in Computer Animation at Full Sail University. He took an internship at Take it Easy Films and worked as a video editor in Amsterdam. He is currently a PhD student in Film and Image Studies at the University of Coimbra.

Caring and Sharing: Health and Humanities in Today’s World


The international conference “Caring and Sharing: Health and Humanities in Today’s World” will take place at University of Lisbon on 24-26 June 2021 and is organised by SHARE – Health and Humanities Acting Together, the University of Lisbon Project in Medical Humanities.  

The conference will provide a unique opportunity for researchers, research groups, academics and projects on the fields of Medical Humanities and Narrative Medicine to promote the exchange of knowledge, of research outputs and experiences.  

For more information on the conference, the topics and proposals, see the call for papers. For future updates, please visit the conference website at  

47 etc…Talks on Translation Studies

The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies – ULICES/CEAUL Research Group on Translation and Reception Studies invites you to the 47 etc…Talks on Translation Studies. This talk will be broadcast on Zoom, Tuesday, April 21st, 2020, at 2 pm. Our invited speaker is Dr. Susana Valdez, Univ. Leiden, The Netherlands, who will talk about the localizing videogames.

Come and join our talk!

Zoom meeting:

Meeting ID: 970 6905 0359

Password: ETC

Further info:

Narrative Medicine Covid-19 Kit

Aware of the challenging times we are facing, the Project in Medical Humanities of the University of Lisbon has launched a Narrative Medicine Covid-19 Kit, especially designed as a support tool for healthcare professionals, but available to all who may find it useful. As of today, we are also offering an English version of these tools and activities. To access it, please click here or check the daily updates on our Facebook page.