RHOSE #28 | “Hugo David in conversation about his work”

RHOSE #28 | “Hugo David in conversation about his work”

Date: 14 March 2024, from 8 a.m. to 9.30 a.m.

Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, room C 008

Hugo David (Lisbon, 1995) grew up surrounded by photography. Following in his parents’ footsteps, he chose to study and invest in photography. He studied dance for some years, and then joined Escola Secundária Artística António Arroio, an arts school, where he specialised in photography. He completed his BA in Photography and Visual Culture at IADE Creative University – Escola Superior de Design, in 2016.

Professionally, he photographs for Companhia Nacional de Bailado, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, Lux Frágil, Companhia de Dança de Almada, Epal, Imago Lisboa, 7 Maravilhas de Portugal, Sapo 24, Teatro Municipal Joaquim Benite, Brotéria, Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea do Chiado, among others.



Intensive Creative Writing Course – 6 ECTS

David Gewanter and Margarida Vale de Gato

July 2024,

This course aims to explore what one can make happen on the page – and then in a succession of others. We will read and discuss intensely some influential and experimental poems, creative essays, and short fiction by English and Portuguese authors (translated). You will work over the drafts of your poems and prose in a collaborative workshop model. Immersion in the Portuguese literary scene and in (inter)national readings will help you to discuss and compare current trends, including incorporating your intercultural experiences into literary forms. This workshop offers you a chance to develop a sequential manuscript in the format of a work-in-progress portfolio, with a framing (or parallel) poetic manifesto.

Class Schedule: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays: 5 – 7:45 p. m.


  • ULisboa students: 100 euros (19 apr) / 140 euros (17 mai)
  • ULisboa external candidated: 200 euros (17 mai)

[Registration form]

Lesley Saunders, “Losing One’s Place: ‘Dementia’ and the Poetics of Absence”

Lesley Saunders, “Losing One’s Place: ‘Dementia’ and the Poetics of Absence”

Date: 22 February 2024, 5 p.m.

Venue: Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, room C 245.B & online Via Zoom – https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97630534736?pwd=bHNsZHlEcGkvcGNtbGdFdzRRYWhjQT09

Poet and educator Lesley Saunders will discuss poems from Louise Glück’s collection Winter Recipes from the Collective (2021) in a lecture jointly hosted by the Medical Humanities Project and the Representations of Home Project. Admission is free.

Project “Vozes do Mundo Antigo e Medieval” (CEAUL/CEC):

Hélio Pires (IEM-FCSH) – Presentation of the book As Runas Desvendadas: Dois Milénios de História e Mistério

Book summary: A journey of the writing system used by the vikings, from ancient times to the current day.  Myths, legends, origins, evolution, and uses of runes throughout History. 

The word “rune” brings to our minds thoughts of mystery, magic, and secrets. But not only is that a small part of History, it is a part often emphasized over other more significative ones: although the Poetic Edda is filled with references to runic charms, and several inscriptions are of a magical nature, there are much more of a memorialist, practical, day-to-day, and even obscene, kind. 

Runes were a phonetical writing system (that is, the symbols represent sounds) utilized to write all kinds of text for over a thousand years. The longevity and diversity of the more than six thousand surviving inscriptions makes them not only a source of information that contradicts modern belief about runes (that they are magical symbols or suppressed by the Church), but also an important resource for historians. 

This is not, then, a book of magic, although it partially speaks of it. These are not pages about divination, despite there being lines about such. It is not even a book about neopaganism, although it touches on the subject. This is a book about runes in all their diversity, from their origins to our days, about how they are and were studied, distorted, used and reused. For a better understanding of the past, but also of the present.” 

Bionote: Hélio Pires was born in Alcobaça, in 1980. He holds a Master’s in Medieval and Viking Studies from the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and a PhD in Medieval History from the NOVA University of Lisbon. With Zéfiro, he published in 2017 his thesis titled “Os Vikings em Portugal e na Galiza” and, in 2019, “Mitos e Lendas Nórdicas”. He is a member of the Instituto de Estudos Medievais and NEVE, lecturer and author of several articles about Vikings, ancient Scandinavia and Norse mythology. This work is his third book. 

Date: 30 January, 2024
Schedule: 12:30 pm
Venue: Amphitheatre III, School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon

Acess to Zoom Invitation: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/98022622132?pwd=Y2YvMnZ1ak5pWWhGUFJHZG85U0VpQT09
ID of the meeting: 980 2262 2132
Password: 142865

Lecture “Sobre clínica e criação na cidade através do dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico”

Lecture “Sobre clínica e criação na cidade através do dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico”

The lecture “Sobre clínica e criação na cidade através do dispositivo de acompanhamento terapêutico”, with Professora Ana Lúcia Mandelli de Marsillac de Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brasil will take place on 11th December 2023 at 5.30 p,m, (GMT) in room B112.D of the School of Arts & Humanities. You can also attend online using the link https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/97630534736?pwd=bHNsZHlEcGkvcGNtbGdFdzRRYWhjQT09

This lecture is a joint initiative of the Seminário “Ciência e Cultura – Quebrar Fronteiras” and the Medical Humanities Project.

Within and Without: Representations of Ageing: International Symposium III: Special Issue

Within and Without: Representations of Ageing: International Symposium III: Special Issue

Within & Without III is the third edition of the Within and Without Old Age: International Symposium on Representations of Ageing series and will be held on-line at the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES/CEAUL) on January, 9th, 2024.

It will provide an opportunity to exchange ideas on cultural ageing from multiple perspectives. Within & Without III is an international event bringing together scholars from different universities who will discuss and share research on age-related issues in order to establish new discourses and guidelines for ageing studies in general. The event will also reflect the need to continue speaking about gender equality, vulnerability and the responsibility for the well-being of others. Some of the speakers will include Professor Sarah Falcus (University of Huddersfield, UK), Professor Katsura Sako (University of Keio, Japan) and Professor Heike Hartung (University of Graz, Austria).

The event will be chaired by Professor Zuzanna Zarebska (CEAUL/ULICES/FLUL), the PI of the Women’s Lives in Time: Bodies, Homes and Voices: Ageing Women Research Project.

RHOSE 27 | “Ethic of Care: transgenerational praxis.”

RHOSE 27 | “Ethic of Care: transgenerational praxis.”

The Australian writer Charlotte Wood is the author of several novels and books of non-fiction such as The Submerged Cathedral (2004), Animal People (2011), The Natural Way of Things (2016), The Weekend (2020), The Luminous Solution (2021) and Stone Yard Devotional (2023) among other works, for which she has won many distinguished prizes.

The Weekend belongs to the genre of Reifungsroman, the novel of growth and a (re)establishment of meaningful relationships in later life. It is a story of vulnerability, mourning and freedom that is not prior to responsibility for others but is manifested relationally. The Weekend tells the story of a lifelong friendship between four women. Jude, Wendy and Adel travel to celebrate Christmas in the Australian village of Bittoes in order to declutter Sylvie’s house before it is put up for sale after she has died of cancer. By doing so, they need to face the stories that have held them together in a “state of mutiny rather than stasis, a period of constant striving against the world, but also against oneself.” (Collins The Guardian, 2020)

Stone Yard Devotional tells the story of a woman who leaves her established yet failed life to enter a religious community of nuns on the inhospitable planes of Monaro in Australia, where she explores the idea of being in relation to and for others as the most fundamental experience of being alive. While using varied narrative techniques of introspection and re-storying the narrator’s reminiscing of the past is concerned with the notions of care, vulnerability and receptivity towards others.

This seminar will examine the ethos of care that The Weekend and Stone Yard Devotional inspired by the work of Emmanuel Lévinas and Judith Butler.  We will look at the genre of Reifungsroman and the philosophical concepts of responsibility towards oneself and others, of experience of grief, reverence and self-care. Furthermore, we will analyze the incorporation of the motif of animal vs human life and their relationship to the environment seen as, paraphrasing Kathleen Woodward, a model of natural continuity. As will be argued, healing and regeneration are only possible in ethical relations that are inseparable, simultaneous and based on care.

Keywords: care literature, responsibility, ageing studies, women’s literature, Australian literature

Creative Journal, ROAM 3 | Summer/Autumn 2023

Creative Journal, ROAM 3 | Summer/Autumn 2023

We have much pleasure in sending you the latest edition of our Creative Journal, ROAM 3, Summer/Autumn 2023, which is part of the Representations of Home (RHOME) project of CEAUL/ULICES (University of Lisbon Faculdade de Letras.)

Please feel free to send on to your contacts or people who may be interested.

[+INFO] – https://www.rhome.letras.ulisboa.pt/en/roam/summer-autumn-2023

Open Course in Narrative Medicine

Open Course in Narrative Medicine

The Open Course in Narrative Medicine will be offered in a hybrid format so that participants can either attend it online or inhouse at FLUL. 

The Open Course aims to provide training on the role, importance and limits of narratives and communication in the clinical encounter. Bringing together knowledge from literature, film and philosophy to medicine, nursing and ethics, this course aims to contribute to ethically conscious therapeutic practices. It is designed for health professionals as well as students and researchers in Humanities interested in the field.

The course is also offered in 2 formats: with or without evaluation.
Contact hours: 42 Total number of hours required: 168 (with evaluation.)

The course is taught in Portuguese.

Enrolments are open until 8th January 2024 through: sa.posgraduados@letras.ulisboa.pt

Dates: 23 January 2024 – 5 May 2024
Schedule: Tuesdays, 17h00-20h00
Fee: 100€ / 60€ students
Vacancies: 16
For more information click on this link
Or email: medhum.ulisboa@gmail.com

Celebrating 40 years of ULICES

Celebrating 40 years of ULICES

The University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies – ULICES is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an event on 22 November at 3pm in the American Corner. We would be delighted and honoured to have you present.

The event programme is available here.

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the projects UIDB/00114/2020 and UIDP/00114/2020.