ESC#59 Videographic Montage: The Video Essay as a Discursive Tool

Videos are an essential tool in academic work, offering a powerful way to communicate research papers, ideas, and arguments. Video abstracts and video essays visually demonstrate research findings and allow for the use of creative tools to convey complex ideas and emotions in an impactful way. Videos capture affective, experiential, and embodied qualities that are often left dormant in traditional textual research, making academic work more approachable and understandable to a broader audience. This workshop aims to equip participants with the skills and tools they need to create captivating videos that leave a lasting impression on the audience. Participants will use DaVinci Resolve, a free-to-use video editing software used in many Hollywood productions, and can choose to utilize a library of free-to-use images or images captured by them to construct their first video montage.

The workshop will employ a “farm to table” approach to guide participants through the entire process and pipeline, from incubating their ideas to seeing their videos materialized and projected on the big screen. The “farm” refers to the participant’s mind, where the workshop will plant the seeds of investigative inquiry and work closely with participants to help them bring their ideas to fruition. The workshop aims to foster and support the creative process to create a supportive and collaborative environment for participants to develop their video rhetoric. Participants will be provided with theoretical background knowledge of the American versus Russian school of montage, allowing them to utilize the techniques of these differing schools in the way they deem most fitting to illustrate their ideas. With this knowledge, participants can choose a soundscape or a reading of a text as a basis for their video essay. Their final video essays will be screened at an art gallery so that the participants work may be disseminated and achieve higher exposure. This workshop is perfect for anyone with a passion for art and film, regardless of their level of experience. The maximum number of participants will be capped at 15 to ensure every participant can be helped equally. Don’t miss out on this exciting opportunity to learn how to harness the full potential of video editing for your academic work!

Those interested in registering must do so until April 28th. To complete the registration, it will be necessary to fill in the registration form with all the requested data and send it to Afterward, you will be contacted on how to proceed with the payment of the 40 € fee.

Online Seminar in the Medical Humanities Permanent Seminar Cycle

Narrative Medicine (NM) is evolving from its first definitions (Charon, 2001; Greenhalgh. 1999) and perhaps can be seen as moving towards an approach related to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. In the past two decades, NM has been “used” mainly with certain groups to develop empathy and trust in the relationship between health care professionals and patients. Now, the paradigm must shift from medicine, and look not only to treatment, but move on to existential wellbeing. The SDGs mentions the interconnection amongst health, diversity, gender, pollution and climate change and peace. To give a meaning to wellbeing, we must consider, in a narrative manner, all these determinants of health. Therefore, the new gaze of NM should be to include these drivers into the realm of health care and research. NM has to be pragmatic and based not only on intellectual name dropping, but looking after the health care providers, exposed to burn out, with the same dignity as used for patients. These steps call for deep alignments (ecological transitions), and not just etiquette, among patients, doctors and caregivers, thus creating societal inclusion.

Seminar (in English)The future of narrative medicine
Date and Time: March 16, 2023, 6pm.
Speaker: Maria Giulia Marini Scientific and Innovation Director of the Health Care Area of ISTUD, Fondazione, Milan, Italia.
Zoom link: https://videoconf- 3cvM1d1QVB4c09xalpWZHMwNmtBQT09

Sarah Falcus Seminar | Children’s Literature and Ageing Studies: intergenerationality, time and the life course

This talk brings together ageing studies and children’s literature in order to argue that the relationship between child and older person has ramifications for our understanding of ourselves as temporal and relational beings. Scholars such as Vanessa Joosen have suggested that we revisit the traditionally limiting and even stereotypical alignment between the child and the older person in children’s literature, arguing that this connection may enable new configurations and understandings of old age. Taking on this challenge, I consider the representation of the grandparent and grandchild in picturebooks from the late twentieth to early twenty-first centuries. Engaging with recent critiques of the child in time (Edelman, Sheldon, Gubar, Beauvais), I explore how the convergence of times in the intergenerational relationship may cause us to rethink not only the child’s relationship to time, but also that of the older adult. Ultimately, this examination of the intergenerational relationship in children’s picturebooks reiterates the importance of thinking about ageing from a life course perspective.

Course in Narrative Medicine

Course in Narrative Medicine: from 5 June to 3 July 2023, during post-labour hours 17h00-20h00.

The Course in Narrative Medicine takes place during the summer semester, from 5 June to 3 July, after working hours, from 5pm to 8pm, and in hybrid format (face-to-face and remote).

The Course aims to provide training on the role, importance and limits of narratives and communication in the clinical encounter. Bringing together knowledge from literature, film and philosophy to medicine, nursing and ethics, this course aims to contribute to ethically conscious therapeutic practices. It is designed for health professionals as well as students and researchers in Humanities interested in the field.

The course can be attended in two modalities: participation without assessment or with assessment.

Contact Hours: 42; total hours: 168 (in the modality with evaluation)

Enrolments will take place between February and April 2023 at the Academic Services of FLUL Contact:

Price: 100€ / 80€ students / Vacancies: 16

More information available at this link or by email:

Online Lecture in the Medical Humanities Lecture Cycle

The lecture will be given by Diana Ferreira and will take place online via Zoom, on 16 February 2023 (Thursday), starting at 6pm (Portugal Continental Time).

The event will be open to the public, and can be accessed from the following details:

Meeting ID: 912 8572 5776
Password: 706759

ESC#58 AGEING STUDIES: Estudos em envelhecimento

The course will offer an overview of ageing studies with an insight into the theory as well as literature and culture in English it sustains. It will advance the understanding of the ageing process across life-span and its expression in different genres such as life-writing, poetry and fiction. The ESC in AS will interrogate the cultural articulations of ageing and old age in relation to other critical categories such as gender, social status or sexual orientation and introduce the participants to scholarlily approaches to the study of age, grief and ageing. Whereas longevity, especially female longevity, has been the new reality, it is still dependent on the economic interests, fear, unrealistic expectations as well as frank limitations of medicine. And yet, older women and men have been constituting a creative hub that may be of undeniable importance in these difficult, pandemic-ridden times when we, more than before, search for new words, new spaces of belonging and new directions. Using literary and cultural texts, we will map out literary and cultural gerontology: older womanhood and manhood, as a fertile and urgent field of study for our present times.

Contact hours: 12 in 2 days
Total hours: 14: 12 + 2 hours reading and working at home

  1. Introduction to ageing studies
  2. Ageisms
  3. Memory, the body and the identity
  4. Life and writing
  5. O Bildungsroman e o Reifungsroman
  6. New approaches to ageing

Those interested in registering must do so until March 4th. To complete the registration, it will be necessary to fill in the registration form with all the requested data and send it to Afterwards, you will be contacted on how to proceed with the payment.

Mostra de Cinema

Promoted by the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies, the American Corner and the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, the 1st Film Festival of the School of Arts and Humanities aims to promote the creation and exhibition of films at university level, encouraging students to make their own films, fostering imagination and reflection on the moving image and on the various themes explored by it.

The theme for the first edition is “Cinema and Humanity”, thus allowing those interested to submit films on the particular relationship between cinema and the idea of humanity, while also encouraging the debate on the disciplinary and thematic links on this relationship.

The festival has a single competition section and comprises a prize for Best Film and two honorable mentions. Those selected to exhibit their films will also be given the opportunity of attending a workshop taught by a Portuguese director.

Internal Regulation

40 years of the first national exhibition of maritime ex-votos

“O Comandante Estácio dos Reis (1923-2018) e a exposição de ex-votos de 1983 no Museu de Marinha”, conference by commander Carlos Manuel Baptista Valentim, 14th December, 17h00, Sala do Serviço Educativo, Museu de Marinha, Lisboa, or in Facebook page of Comissão Cultural de Marinha here.

This conference will be the first of a series of initiatives to be held in the coming months, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the maritime ex-votos first national exhibition of 1983, and is part of the project ‘Travelling Memories. Votive Representations of the Sea and the City’, which is being developed by a group of researchers at ULICES/CEAUL:

The conference will take place at Sala do Serviço Educativo, with access through the main entrance of Museu de Marinha.  Commander Carlos Valentim, previously connected to the management of the Museu de Marinha,  is at present head of the Gabinete de Coordenação Interna, Sub-Registo, Serviço de Publicações and Serviço de Informática of the Marinha Portuguesa. Organization of Travelling Memories. Votive Representations of the Sea and the City and Museu de Marinha.

Santiago Barreiro – Dragões e Tesouros no Norte Medieval

Abstract: “How were dragons represented in the medieval North? In this seminar, we will consider how these mythical beasts are understood in the Scandinavian and Anglo-Saxon imagination, focusing on four modes of representation: first, the dragon as a source of fear; second, its role as a figuration of the devil; third, the dragon in its serpentine nature; finally, and more importantly, the dragon’s relationship with hoarding.”

Bionote: Santiago Barreiro is a researcher of ancient and medieval history at IMHICIHU-CONICET (Buenos Aires), studying primarily matters related to medieval Icelandic history and society. Among his most relevant recent publications are the first Spanish translation of Bjarnar saga Hítdælakappa, with Teodoro Manrique Antón (Saga de Bjǫrn, Buenos Aires: IMHICIHU, 2021), and the co-edition (with Luciana Cordo Russo) of the volume Shapeshifters in Medieval North Atlantic Literature (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018).

Zoom Access
 Santiago Barreiro – Dragões e Tesouros no Norte Medieval
Schedule: 17 nov. 2022 17:30 GMT
Link para reunião Zoom:
ID da reunião: 919 1789 0434
Senha de acesso: 840928

International Conference Street and the City | Call for Proposals

The Street and the City IV – Moments

7-9 September 2022

Cities come alive and build themselves from moments. Moments we breathe in the present, moments that shape both collective and individual memories. All these memories drift from a solitary pace in a crowd, to a dialogue between us and the other united by the urb. As in Dickens’s words (1859) “a multitude of people and yet a solitude.”

This conference aims at approaching topics from the past, both nearby or further away; topics from the present, globally, locally or glocally relevant and topics from the future – real or imaginary. Mumford (1961) states that “the origins of the city are obscure, a large part of its past buried or effaced beyond recovery, and its further prospects are difficult to weigh.”

We propose the analysis of moments of political and social unrest, which affect the everyday city life emptying the streets and making the ordinary socializing scenarios something of the past, as well as projects that look for answers and mitigation actions that can soothe such scenarios. A reflection is intended on the phenomena that approach the city and challenge the creation of new connection methods between its residents and the ones that arrive there – either for leisure, work, war or natural catastrophes. The city life, in its renewing dynamics, invites us to the redefining of space, mobilizing the emerging creativity and the memory of past moments capable of reshaping identity continuities.

We welcome papers, pre-organised panels, and roundtables (20 minutes per speaker) in English or Portuguese responding to the above.
Suggested (merely indicative) topics include:

  1. Architectural Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  2. Moments in Film Studies in the Streets and the Cities
  3. Literary Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  4. Political Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  5. Diaspora Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  6. Technological Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  7. Touristic Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  8. Visual Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  9. Sonorous Moments in the Streets and the Cities
  10. Moments of the Streets and the Cities at risk.

As indicated by the number in its title, this conference is the fourth in a series of academic events based at CEAUL|ULICES.

Submissions should be sent by email to by May 15th and should mention the preferred method of participation: in situ or online.

Please include SC4 in the subject line of your email and organise your proposal into two separate files:

• a file containing the full title and a 250-300 word description of your individual paper; Round tables of up to four speakers plus a chairperson. Please include a brief description of the panel (150 words) and a 300-word abstract.; Panels of three speakers plus a chairperson. Please include a brief description of the panel (150 words) and a 300-word abstract.

• a file containing the author’s data: name, affiliation, contact address, paper title and author’s bio-note (100 words).

Please name these two documents as follows: Surname_Name_Abstract_SC4 Surname_Name_AuthorInfo_SC4

All delegates are responsible for their own travel arrangements and accommodation.

More information available at

Selected peer-reviewed publication.