Permanent Seminar of the MHP

Permanent Seminar of the MHP

The next PHM permanent online seminar will feature a presentation by Adelino Cardoso (CHAM-NOVA-FCSH), on “Melancholy” offering both a theoretical and personal perspective on the subject. Joaquim Oliveira Lopes (Nursing School of Lisbon and CIDNUR) will address the subject of “On the relationship in nursing as a care-it-self: developing awareness and self-transformation through the telling of life stories”.

The seminar will take place online via Zoom, on November 23, 2023 (Thursday), starting at 5pm (GMT).

The event will be open to the public, and can be accessed through the link:

You can find more details on the poster. We look forward to seeing you there.

This work is financed by national funds through the FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., within the scope of the projects UIDB/00114/2020 and UIDP/00114/2020. 

Old English Course

Old English Course

The aim of this free course consists in identifying the general characteristics of Old English (phonological, morphological, syntactic and lexical) as well as in understanding the idiosyncrasy of this language in the context of Anglo-Saxon history and culture.

Students are expected to acquire competences that will allow them to read and interpret small texts both in poetry and in prose. 

The course will be held on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, from 3 pm to 6 pm.

Days 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 23 and 26 – Room C130 Amphitheater II
Days 10 and 17 – Room B112C

Registration: 30 euros for FLUL community | 80 euros for students from outside the FLUL community.

American Studies Over Seas

American Studies Over Seas | A Parternship between ULisboa/CEAUL and Georgetown University

An academic and pedagogical programme will take place on 16 November as part of a collaboration with Georgetown University that CEAUL and DEA, with the support of American Corners, have been building. For the time being, it will be materialised in this American Studies Over Seas meeting.

In a hybrid format, online and face-to-face, with six of our researchers in Washington DC and many more here, the programme on 16 November starts at 9 a.m. in Washington DC and 1 p.m. in Lisbon (all times in the annex refer to Eastern Time). It would be a pleasure and an incentive for the protocol we are trying to establish if you could attend some of the activities, which include a transatlantic tribute to the “two Teresas”, scientific papers by younger and younger speakers (from both institutions), the presentation of the two volumes American Studies Over_Seas, as well as a discussion of good practices in inter-institutional protocols and research and teaching partnerships.

Your attention is drawn to the annexes and the registration form, which you can fill in by clicking on the online link:


Project Online Lecture, “Literacia em saúde: do binómio médico-utente ao trinómio equipa de família-utente-comunidade”

Project Online Lecture, “Literacia em saúde: do binómio médico-utente ao trinómio equipa de família-utente-comunidade” with Maria João Lopes

We would like to invite you to the next event of the Medical Humanities Project, the online lecture “Literacia em saúde: do binómio médico-utente ao trinómio equipa de família-utente-comunidade” with Maria João Lopes (USF Carolina Beatriz Ângelo Guarda e Universidade da Beira Interior)

The lecture will take place on Wedsesday, 8th November from 17.30 onwards. Zoom link:  

Will Lab: Pronunciation Workshops

Will Lab: Pronunciation Workshops

Improve your English pronunciation with this special workshop tailored for Portuguese learners of English (B1 level). In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • Uncover and practise frequently mispronounced English words
  • Receive guidance on challenging consonants
  • Have the opportunity to ask specific pronunciation questions during a Q&A session

Although the primary focus will be on standard southern British English, enthusiasts of other English accents are also encouraged to attend. Intrigued? Join me this Thursday, the 19th, at 9.30 in Room B112.B. 

Improve your English pronunciation with this special workshop tailored for Portuguese learners of English (B2 level). In this 90-minute session, you will:

  • Uncover and practise frequently mispronounced English words
  • Receive guidance on challenging vowels
  • Have the opportunity to ask specific pronunciation questions during a Q&A session

Although the primary focus will be on standard southern British English, enthusiasts of other English accents are also encouraged to attend. Intrigued? Join me this Friday, the 20th, at 12.30 in Room C248.B.

Open Seminar: (Eco)poeticsof Alterity

Open Seminar: (Eco)poeticsof Alterity

The poet Kwame Dawes will be at FLUL on October 26 and will participate in an open seminar of the MA in LACM, (Eco)Poetics of Alterity, between 13:00 and 15:00 (room C215), followed by a public reading of poems and a conversation in amphitheater III at 15:30, moderated by Mário Avelar.

To take part in the seminar, please RSVP by October 24 to Both events are free of charge.

The Edge of Human Experience: Blake and Tolkien’s Art

The Edge of Human Experience: Blake and Tolkien’s Art | Online Event

13/10/2023 19:30-20:30

Have you ever looked at a piece of visual art by J.R.R. Tolkien and thought ‘that looks a bit like Blake’?

In this online talk, PhD student Annise Rogers will examine why this might be so, even though, as far as we are aware, Tolkien never cited Blake as an influence.

Romantic connections, even within Blakean study, have tended to be based on texts. This is due, in part, to the slippery nature of the term ‘Romanticism’, a term difficult to define in literature, and even harder in visual art.

William Blake has always been an immensely important figure in the history of visual art, influencing artists and artistic movements such as the Pre-Raphaelites, William Morris, and Art Nouveau. J.R.R. Tolkien is commonly regarded as one of the forefathers of contemporary fantasy fiction. But what connects these two artists, and how are they visually connected?

Register here:

1st FLUL Film Festival

1st FLUL Film Festival

The present film festival showcases films done by students from the School of Arts and Humanities. The main theme is “Cinema and Humanity”, with a particular focus on the relationship between Portugal and the United States of America. This festival is promoted by ULICES, the American Corner and the School of Arts and Humanities, with the support of the Goethe Institut.

The aim is to promote the creation and exhibition of films at the university level, encouraging students to make their own films, fostering imagination and the reflection on the moving image and its various themes. The festival has a single competition section, which includes an award for Best Film and two honorable mentions. There are eleven films in competition:

Manifestar Destino – Francisco Rainha e Marta Oliveira, 7min, 50sec.
Do Infinito ao Mais Além – Margarida Cereceda, 12min, 04sec.
Wonder – Baltasar Cruz, 5min, 12sec.
Mâe – Daniela Dias, 09min, 22sec.
Pena da Morte – Tiago Zacarias, 5min, 10sec.
American Dream – Laura Toscano, 21min, 13sec.
Serenata Atlântica – Inês Telo, 6min, 12sec.
For Those Lost, Reborn at Last – Mariana Rodrigues, 10min, 54sec.
Move to the Side – Leonor Picoito, 15min, 11sec.
Ocupa – Mário Matos, 6min, 6sec.
463 West Street, New York – Jasmim Befencourt, 5min, 30sec.

Panel of the Film Festival:

Hugo Martins – Film Director and Cinema teacher (President of the Jury)
Pedro Estácio – American Corner
José Duarte – Film Studies Professor (ULICES-FLUL)
Teresa Althen – Goethe-Institut
Miguel Mira – Digital artist, researcher and Cinema teacher

The projection and awards ceremony will take place on October 30, 15h30, at the Goethe-Institut.

William Blake & the Labyrinths of Reception 

William Blake & the Labyrinths of Reception

Professor Jason Whitaker (University of Lincoln), Doctor Sibylle Erle (Chair of the Blake Society) and Doctor Camila Oliveira (University of Lisbon) will discuss the different forms in which the poet, painter and engraver William Blake (1757-1827) received diverse traditions and was received by successive generations of readers in a myriad of social, political and cultural contexts.

The ULICES 2023 Autumn Seminars are organised by Doctor Camila Oliveira & Professor Alcinda Pinheiro de Sousa (RG1), members of the research project on cultural and literary forms of reception and memory (RG1 and RG2).

Travelling Memories. Travel 1 

Travelling Memories. Travel 1 

Travelling Memories. Travel 1 is simultaneously a celebration of the 1983 exhibition and the remembering of this exhibition and its content, through the eyes, the technique, and technology of the year 2023. It will take place at the Museu de Marinha, Lisbon, from the 21st October 2023 to 29th February, 2024.