Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography

Intercultural Literature in Portugal, 1930-2000: A Critical Bibliography

Research project team leaders:
From ULICES: Alexandra Assis Rosa (until 2018) Hanna Pięta (until 2019), and Zsófia Gombár (since 2020).
From CECC: Teresa Seruya and Maria Lin Moniz

This research project, initiated in 2000, brings together two Portuguese research centres: the Centre for Culture and Communication Studies, Catholic University of Portugal, Lisbon (CECC-UCP), and the University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies (ULICES).

It aims to produce a critical bibliography of translated literature published in book-form in Portugal between 1930 and 2000, and thus contributes to Translation Studies in Portugal by bridging the chronological gap between 1930 and 2000 left uncovered by the seminal work A Tradução em Portugal, by Gonçalves Rodrigues, five volumes which map translation in Portugal 1495-1930.
As of December 2020, it contains 27,353 records, covering the period 1930-1990.

This index has been available online since December 2010 at: