Literary and Cultural Tourism

Literary and Cultural Tourism

The emphasis of this project will be on the changing inter-relationship between literature, culture, and tourism in line with a long established English tradition in tourism studies. A lot has been done in terms of reception, but there is still much more to bring about in one of the fastest-growing sectors of the travel business according to the research presented by the Paris-based Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). This would be a motivating and on the rise area for our research centre, on account of the continuous relations with English literature and culture. As such, there is clearly some propensity to review existing resources and agendas by developing innovative ways of bringing local, national and international attention to them. The ethical reflection should also be stimulated along with the research about literary heritage, social, and cultural impacts on tourism. Similarly, when considering the uniqueness of cultural heritage and its irreplaceable character, it is essential to be aware of the necessity of preservation, not only as recognition of the past but as a way of dealing with the heritage industries – hence, for instance, the influence of tourism in the welcoming communities a propos of the utmost relevant issues of identity, authenticity, and tradition. In addition, new developmental models with reference to the analysis and comprehension of intercultural communication promote and claim for essential partnerships besides the ones already established.